    do policeman make good boyfriends

    +1  Views: 898 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    There are a couple of red flags when it comes to having a cop for a boyfriend.  First of all, they are notorious as a group for being unfaithful playboys.  That's not to say ALL of them are immoral, but there is a significant number who are.
    Next, they make a TON of money and their retirement benefits are HUGE.  If you were to marry a cop, it is most likely he would want a pre-nup, to make sure he did not lose any of that fat retirement check if the two of you divorced. 
    Many cops have a tendency to bully, be domineering, and intimidating.  You don't want to put yourself in a position where that personality manifests itself into your relationship.

    There are probably good points in having a cop BF but I don't know what they are.


    Very true, I know a girl who was dating a cop who said his wife had died, but it transpired that she was at home awaiting the birth of his child.

    That is pretty much the way it goes with the cops around here. A friend of mine has alot of interaction with the local police due to her job. With only one exception, all the cops who hit on her (and there were many) had wives or girlfriends (or both).
    Something about laws not applying to them???

    I dont see any reason why not , they are still human.

    They have extremely stressful jobs.  If they have learned how to handle stress in a positive manner, rather than taking it out on their loved ones, then they may be.  That can apply to anyone in any stressful occupation though, can't it? 

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