    am i poor my mom does not have a job and can't afford yogurt

    +2  Views: 667 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    11 Answers

    Regardless, she needs your hugs and kisses right now.  Cheer her up.  Tell her you're with her through thick and thin.  You'll both get through this mess.



    I think this is a good answer, winterforever. She probably has a strict food budget and makes sure you get calcium from other food sources. Even some orange juice has it!

    Who is paying for your internet connection? That would buy a lot of yogurt.


    Good point.One that I have often pondered.

    Many places offer wifi for free . I have never payed for inter net connection ever . Life is so very different for people on different economic levels . Some seem to think all people live as they do and that is far from true .

    No free internet here unless you steal it from your neighbor who doesn't password protect their router. Where do you live again? I may have to move there and get some free internet.

    Don. do you know how to take a screen shot of a page? I's like to show the developers what you mean. Otherwise is you click the "contact" link at the bottom of this page, you can let the admin know what's going on and they will forward it to the developers of the akaQA application.

    We have food banks in Canada...You know there are ways of making money that the two of you could do together...delivering flyers or newspapers...a lot of women do that with their children in my city.  It's good exercise and they get to know thier neighbours.

    Settle for an alternative,a glass of milk,a piece of cheese.

    Drink milk....

    I don't mean to sound harsh, but having been in some fairly dire straites in the past, I have never found there to be no work, maybe she could do some cleaning, take ironing etc, I once joined the Army when I couldn't find work, it kept food on the table even though I hated it, there is never no work, you just need to look hard enough, and though times may be hard, no one ever died through lack of yogurt


    I feel your bit harsh, with your reply lambshank, jobs maye not be that easy to find at present, and for each job, there could be alot of people looking for it.

    Just make sure she does not buy you soda.

    OK. What do you want us to do about this? Does she collect on welfare? Food stamps would help her to get you yogurt.

    Some states have a WIC program.Women,Infants, Children  You can a lot of free items at grocery stores Have someone check for your states benefits


    WIC program is for pregnant and postnatal women, infants and children under the age of 5.

    Yogurt?   You're worried about yogurt?


    Truly what difference does it make ? Its not a extravagant wish its a child and this is supposed to be the land of plenty . Why are we settling for our citizens to be living like this . Its so very hard for many people these days jobs are hard to come by . Why are people experiencing food insecurity in America ? Shameful condition for this country to be in .

    Call my cynical. I've looked at the questions from this person and it's hard to believe this isn't a facetious question.
    I'm not a big fan of manipulation, either.

    Hi Dollybird, I know I may sound harsh at times ,I don't really want to sound hard or uncaring but there are times we need to take responcibility for ourselves,no matter how harsh we think the cards dealt us in life are, it's easy to point the finger and lay blame it on someone else or circumstance,I truly think that why we waste time wallowing in self pity we could better spend our time doing something more positive to improve our circumstance, or at least our attitude, but god bless and I wish them well

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