    is privacy a bigger issue in the online world than the offline world or is there no difference

    +1  Views: 4001 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    I would say the offline world because one has some say in how much he exposes in the ONLINE world, making some of the problems his own by default.  If you aren't making much available online, there isn't much to "take". 

    The offline world, however, connects nearly everything to the online world.  My bank account is completely OFFLINE, but banks are using online resources constantly.  My account numbers for utilities, telephone, credit cards...all the sources of my personal business use the internet and share my information, which, to me, makes it more invasive simply by virtue of not giving a damn how I feel about it.  

    I would have to say it is a bigger issue in the online world with the world wide web and hackers that is why one should be very very careful what info they put on the internet.

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