    where do you reside

    +5  Views: 1132 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    18 Answers

    beside myself........

    AT my home in Austin, TX.............

    The West Coast ...The Best Coast ...The Westest Coast.


    Sounds interesting.

    i love that dirty water ...BOSTON,, your my home...

    Down the bottom.Australia.

    In the land of make believe.

    At the moment in Hell.


    Turn your phone on. Why should you be in hell all alone? I'll come party with you over the phone :)

    Awww thanks maybe tomorrow I will be going to bed here in just a minute but would love to talk to you tomorrow.

    Hackney, London, UK. Yes really.


    I use to live in Islington then I moved to Fulham xxxx

    I was born in Fulham - moved to Hackney for work purposes in 1980 - I have lived all over London and am trying to move from here - but at present too many problems.Like Darci just HELL.

    Mel it has taken me hours to get back to this since I have startd this site my computer has gone crazy start restore etc. You say you used to live in Fulham before Islington how very posh I thought you lived in it wrongly. I was born in Fulham long before you were born I imagine at St. Mary Abbot'shospital during the war so I am sure you do not remember this my Father was there for my birh although he was at sea at Dunkirk -he also volunteered for the first world war - men lied about their age he was in the Argyle and Sutherland highlanders.I wanted to say my neighbours daughter lves in Islinton having lived in Epping with rolling lawns etc. near Rod Stewart but her house is amazing - wow Islington so Posh.

    This week I am feeling I am about to loose my sanity as on Tuesay my dear friend passed away and on Saturday my darling Lily I had to have put to sleep, she was a little black girl cat found in a market by a guy who went to Mexico and tenants in the house asked would I take her she was over twelve years old -
    along with all my problems here, almost too much to bear but I will have to manage.This message I cannot even write without having to go over it again as it deletes what I have already said.xxxx I would to like to add this comment that I had LILY with me aince 1999, I know I am being told off for this script as too long - I have already been suspended for 5 days for this and my opinion - really talking at cross purposes. And mel after my self indulgence - I would like to say that I SO sincerely hope that Harvey is OK XX I have the feelig I will be suspended after this long All THE VERY BEST TO YOU AND TAKE VERY GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF AND YOURS.

    The UK

    Lincoln, Maine.


    Greenock Scotland just turning up the heating now.


    My wonderful Dad was a Scot - how I love Scotland - I would love to move there but the old bone would find the cold too much. My Granny was born in Skye - I have been to Scotland so many time - once as a child got locked in the loo on The Flying Scotsman - alone in those days you could get someone on the train to look out for you - only I could do such a thing.

    Hi Dopey nice to know your dad was in the Argyle"S my grand father was to killed in France My wife and I go to London on bus trips once a year with her sister.Great place warmer than Scotland it is cold just now and rain hope you are keeping well in good health all the best my friend.

    St.Ignace    Michigan

    My home is in Fresno, California.  It is in the Sunnyside neighborhood, near the corners of Kings Canyon Boulevard and Clovis Avenue. 

    ed shank

    Ahhhh, Cali, brings back many fond (stoned) memories.

    ed shank: there was a time when i lived in humboldt county. talk about fond (stoned) memories.

    In the past.


    your a dreamer like me Ann the past was the best

    47798NRWFRG        where exactly is this?

    Lower Michigan near the lake

    71522 Germany !


    Good Morning, The weather today will be fine for you. At this moment in time 09:30 it is 6° in B******g, later it will rise to 17° with long sunny periods, like here in KR. Have a nice day.

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