    Boyfriend dumped me after a year 1/2, I've been stuck in my apartment alone and to top it off been drinking, I'm afraid for anyone to see me because I feel like an outcast, but if I stay in this apartment any longer I will lose it. Sad but true.

    +2  Views: 635 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Quit drinking and step back into life. No one is worth destroying yourself over. Your ex is enjoying life and not even thinking of you. Why are you wasting yourself on someone who is not worth it? Make yourself more important than him. You're next mate is waiting for you to wake up and clean up. Now go do it.

    Go out your more popular than you think

    One monkey doesn't stop a show. Not all men will treat you that way.  Be more careful in your selection next time, and always keep your guard up.  also, don't be too quick to give of yourself.  You"ll soon find the right one.

    That my friend is trial and tribulation. Get a room mate, Works all the time. Start a new chapter. 

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