    cheap thearapy for depression

    +8  Views: 1192 Answers: 21 Posted: 13 years ago

    21 Answers

    Omega 3 is supposed to help.  Not expensive in capsule form and very good for other things.

    Exercise... take yourself out for walks. 

    Travel around this site and get some laughs, join us!


    Personally, I laugh here everyday! :)

    works for me for my depression :-)

    Glad to hear that mycatsmom!

    DO NOT DRINK OR DRUG....Starting right now....go for a walk....a long brisk, vigorous walk...keep moving...volunteer.....make a list of people you know, who are worse off than you are....make a list of things that you should be happy the comedy channel....go to a health food store and request herbs for depression (they can help), socialize with up-beat people, stay away from negative people, reach out to someone who needs your help...they are everywhere!

    Get out of your house everyday and do something productive.  It WILL help you!

    I was diagnosed as a manic depressive at age 19. Tried several drugs but stopped them after a very short time. Haven't taken a drug for the condition for forty years. As hard as it may be, you have to get your butt up and do something. Wash the dishes, wash the car, wash the house. Anything to keep you moving. Sitting on your ass will do nothing for you but make you physically sick as well. It is very, very difficult I know. At times it is overwhelming and I retreat for a few days. I avoid all contact with everyone, this works for me. But I eventually force myself back into reality.



    good answer . I TU'ed it.

    ed, same for me but even working, exercise,doesn't always work, when your clinically depressed,I still take lithium,but stopped all the other drugs as vanity won..I was getting fat

    An herbal tea (St. John's Wort) (I think I spelled it right) is supposed to help.  Talk with your doctor about medication............


    A naturopathic doctor can help with that, if you can afford to see one. St. John's Wort is also available in capsule form and usually, health food stores can be quite helpful in giving instructions regarding the use of "natural" medicines. Yes, DO be careful with their use!

    This has bad side effects for men . Not a good idea !!!

    This is it.


    I'm glad this helps.

    It does Ducka and you are one that helps too more than you know just for your concern, thank you .......

    You are more than welcome Darci13! Stay here and keep laughing with helps.

    Volunteer at a local soup kitchen.

    I like the advise Ducka gave yes walking is great clears the mind and great for energy and try and help others by helping others this will also help you even if you dont think so at the time.... do not drink or take any drugs this will only make things worse good luck


    Thanks, mel

    Ducka your welcome lets hope they take some notice!! oxoxoxo

    yes, walking makes you feel better mentally and physically. I don't like walking around my neighborhood, but I walk the length of strip malls and things like that. Or, park farther away from your destination and walk the rest of the way. Walking helped my allergies and asthma too. And it helps restless legs

    mycatsmom thanks do take it up its sooo good for you as you say it will help allround oxoxo

    There is a huge difference between mild depression, seasonal affective disorder (depression in winter), situational depression, and depression which is caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain.  Many of the above suggestions can help to end the first three- with a caution about St John's Wart (as the amount to take can be too high for some people, allergic reactions can occur, and it can interfere with other meds you r taking).  changing your thought patterns, helping others, and getting more physically active are great ideas- but it can be hard to get motivated if you are clinically (chem imbalance) depressed.  Getting out during the day or getting a special lamp can help seasonal depression.  Sometimes your regular doc. can Rx a light anti-depressant with few side effects to try if the depression continues or gets worse. (they are usually generic so they r pretty cheap).  A good diet and sleeping enough can also make a world of difference.  Please remember you are not "weak", "odd", or different...and any depression that lasts for more than a few weeks, causes you to miss work or school, or gets worse, makes you consider suicide or homicide is SERIOUS.  If you have a chemical imbalance in your brain you can't help it, didn't create it, but do have the power to get help to change it.  Everyone goes through 'the blues' and some may not understand the bio-chemical component to more serious depression.


    Absoulutey right. Also, a severe, long-lasting depression, may need some counselling, in order to get beyond it.

    Ducka, you are so right about not beating yourself up for past mistakes. The “mistakes” are part of our trip. Part of the adventure. There is no other way to think about it.

    St Johns wort works for me,even if i could still drink(recovering alcoholic ),alcohols one of the worst downers i can think of


    Good for you... I hope you are past the second year. My sister couldn't get past that. Please say yes. :)

    Light has helped some people.



    Ha daren1, I think that Clonge meant light as from the sun or a bulb!!!! :)

    I get my Christmas lights up the day after Thanksgiving. My house is kinda dark.

    Writing (or typing) could be very therapeutic and it's cheap!
    You could pick a theme for the day, anything from apples to giraffes, who you are upset with or what is your favorite snack and why.  It's just writing and examining your thoughts.  You can get into a discussion about why you are feeling sad...."I was feeling pretty good until I ran into Jennie at the grocery store.  She told me..................."
    Use "I feel" statements and really think about WHY you feel however you feel.
    You asked for cheap.  This doesn't cost much, but you can make some startling discoveries about may find yourself figuring out why you are depressed and making some headway getting out of it!
    Do see a doctor, though.  Depressed is no way to meander through life.  Trust me. I know. 


    I can "hear you" Bob/PKB. There are many people who have (or do) suffer from depression, aren't there? :(

    More than we know, Ducka....more than we know.

    I agree that writing is good therapy but for me I have to take care. I think writing is extremely difficult. I used to do a lot of it and even get paid a few pennies. Not a good memory ... but it was part of “The Trip”
    Writing on akaqa is talking for me.

    this is like talking for me, too.

    It seems almost epidemic....that and insomia

    How does that happen? I just got home from a friend's and I'm exhausted...falling asleep in the car. Now I'm on akaQA and am wide awake. I may be up til 2:30 AGAIN. WEIRD.

    Bob:Are you very sure you were visiting a friend?

    itsmee: my best friend and her husband have an open house every year. Tonight was the night. I visited with her sister/brother-in-law, their daughter and son-in-law, and a neighbor who coincidentally is on the same league we're on (Tuesday nights at Cedar Lanes). Promise, visiting at a friend's. Where did you think I was? :D

    Everytime you have a negative thought, turn it around into a positive thought. Don't beat yourself up for the past.

    Sorry folks but many people with chemical imbalances in their brain such as clinical depression, bi-polar disorder, etc. try "drowning their sorrows with alcohol ( and "street" drugs). It doesn't work, and over time can cause the worsening of symptoms and addiction to alcohol (&/or drugs).  The addiction is real (they now believe a gene may be the root cause) & then these people are dealing with 2 serious medical and mental problems- both of which- if not dealt with can lead to loss of jobs, family, friends, and sadly death.


    This is fact. Thank you for writing this, doolittle.

    doolittle, you didalot!

    doolittle, your on the money

    Go to your local pub, order a drink and tell the barkeep your troubles.


    @kelozin...bad advice on both counts. Depression is serious and requires serious, sometimes difficult steps, to overcome. :(

    Hi Fishy,hope youre ok.Im so sorry to hear about your sister.My late husband died a drinking alcoholic.Watching his last couple of years and  eventual death were the spur i needed to dry out_i didnt want to die the way he did.Im 11 years sober now and even though it occasionally goes through my mind,im not going to pick up a drink today.Apart from anything else i never want to go b through withdrawal again,for me ,life is better sober.Take care x


    leos....: You stay off the beer. I'll drink it for you..... I don't have that affliction.

    @leosmaml...Good for you!!!!!!

    :) xoxo

    Youre welcome to my share pioneer!But i wasnt a beer drinker!At one time gin and vodka were my drinks of choice,then i got onto white cider.Nowadays id sooner have a coffee!

    No Ducka. I meant Miller Light (lol).

    A bottle of LaVanilla Fragrance works for me. I spray it in my hair and on my neck. If things get too bad I might drink it.


    I know Depression. I had it for years. Now I have Chronic Pain from an accident and the Depression is gone and in its place ... You guessed it.

    Itsmee- I suffer from chronic pain too...I hope your pain is under "reasonable" control. I am trying something new (if my health insurance allows it) but I've tried about everything. I also have a low immunity (blahh blahh blahh). Try not to drink ur fragrance- might make the pain worse.


    doolittle: I was joking about drinking the Lavanilla. I read it over this afternoon and it sounds terrible.
    I can’t get myself situation on a health problem site. I was on one but I said just exactly the wrong thing to the head honcho and I got locked out ... Forever.
    My pain is ok. It gets bad at night though. I wish we could talk more openly. Of course I am curious about what you will be trying. (If your insurance allows)

    i agree- it would be nice to be able to chat privately

    watch a comedy on TV. Or, rent a comedy

    I have found a combination of naturopathy and conventional  medicine work, though it does cost but you can't go on with your life in a depressed (or manic) state, also see a pain clinic, my experience with them has been truly amazing and made daily activity bearable, also you get most back if you have health insurance

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