    You need someone answering questions 24/7 or you ar useless

    +2  Views: 243 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Nice of you to say so.

    Some one is here 24/7.Not only that we are from all over the world.

    Did your question make sense?

    Was it answerable by laymen or was it so technical only an expert in that specific field could answer it.

    We don't get paid for this,we just try to help people we need it.

    "" Sometimes we take a break...

    Someone is here 24/7. Remember that this goes all over the world so as it's my bedtime now, it's tomorrow afternoon in Aussieland (or something like that...)

    ....and again, you have the wrong site. CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?

    How about 23/7?  We experts need to at least take an hour to do the thing depicted in the picture provided by eggplant herein.  After that, we're good to go.  And Carl Lind, what was your question again?


    I am staying up late to answer your question, now I have done that, good night Carl..

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