    WOW leeroy over 10000 on karma.....

    Great score because of great answers, can anyone get to 20000?

    +2  Views: 1549 Answers: 19 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: leeroy karma
    Headless Man

    OK, leeroy is over 20000 now.

    19 Answers

    i noticed that as well ,just proof that honesty and wisdom is truely a virtue!
    Wow, this is the first time I actually saw this question, and I just voted you all up for your thoughtful comments, thank you all so much, it means a lot to me.

    Thanks again, I appreciate all of your great answers as well. I haven't been around as much lately, I was thinking of retiring once I hit 10,000, but I've been hanging around a little. The new format has gotten better, but I was pretty frustrated for a while. It's not quite there yet, but it's still a good site. You guys are the best!!!!
    ole hipster

    Come on leeroy! You can't possible think of leaving us after all this time of knowing you and enjoying your comments and answers! (: (: (: Everybody now vote for leeroy to stay!

    wow how time flies youll be breaking 30k all to soon

    Yes, I think we get to many votes now a days on the new format, it puts less value or thought into your votes.
    Congratulations Leeroy :)
    Right, daren1.
    Keep the great answers coming leeroy.

    leeroy for president in 2012
    congratulations, leeroy. yes, i'm behind leeroy for president too,
    Leeroy, you are a role model and many of the people on this site benefit from your wisdom. Thanks my friend!
    no speed bumps for leeroy, not even breakdown lane
    i think he's busy packing for the royal weding
    ole hipster

    Does he have the airplane seat next to yours daren1? If so, both of you give the newlyweds a hug for me...I wait with bated breath to hear all about the festivities! lol

    ya he's flying first class i'm stuck in coach

    daren, you always funny.
    OK , over 20000 now is the sky the limit............go for 100000000000
    GO FOR 20000 leeroy .......

    Thanks, I will try to spend a little more time here, I like the new part of the format that lets us know when someone comments or answers our q or a's. It seemed so sterile before that. Thanks again...
    ole hipster

    yeah..that's my favorite new "thing" on this new format's nice to have that feature for sure!
    Headless Man

    Now we need a blue dot for stupid questions.
    You out there leeroy?
    I dont much care how many karma points he has.. Ijust think he is a pretty cool guy. BTW.. I was asleep last night and my sons radio started playing Leeroy Brown... I never noticed he name before.. LOL
    Headless Man

    Could he be bad bad leeroy

    exactly.. I literally woke myself up laughing I thought I was dreaming the song.. And Leeroy from AKAQA popped in my head.... Then I noticed His online name WAS Leeroy Brown....

    Cool, I just noticed this well consider the votes up an early birthday present..

    Happy birthday to me!!!!
    Leeroy...Wait for us.
    I am right on your tail Leeroy....LOL
    Leeroy's the first dubbed "Karma King"! (:

    Thanks Hipster, hope you are doing well, nice to hear from you...
    The first time he voted for me I went over 1000... way to go... a long way.
    Very kewl!

    Your sister,

    OK , over 20000 now is the sky the limit............go for 100000000000

    That's because your head's been voting too.
    Headless Man

    lol, yes sure has.........

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