    how do you cure dry skin

    dry skin

    +1  Views: 552 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    well dry skin can take a lot of time in clearing up but once you are on top of it it wont be as bad as you have it now! first there are a lot of products on the Market out there which say they can get your skin back to normal in 72 hrs well I have probely tried everything thing out there and they dont work and they are exspensive to boot it all.

    first of all cleanse the arears that are affected then apply honey and leave on as long as you can and rince off then I use a cream which is made from Oatmeal which is called AVEENO with triple OAT Complex and this should work but do it every day for at least a month then just once a week but use the oatmil every day good luck

    Hydrate your body as well as your skin. It is difficult to drink too much water....


    From the inside you can increase your Omega 3 intake. Flax oil or fish oil comes in capsule form so that you can't taste it...take with food. 

    Some remedies are as follows:

    Home remedies for dry skin are honey, yogurt, olive oil and oatmeal.

    Mash a ripe banana and apply it to the face and neck.  Leave it for sometime and then wash the face and neck with lukewarm water.

    Massage the skin with grapeseed oil.

    After bathing, apply aloe vera gel.

    Eat fruit and vegetables rich in vitamin A & B.

    Avoid alcohol and caffeine.

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