    what would cause a cat to become lathargic, non-ambulatory etc

    0  Views: 731 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    If he/she is a house cat they need stimulation - but cats are sleep 18 hours a day - I haven't noticed this but the Vets say they can  they can be lazy little lumps and just looling about. just wanting to eat and sleep or doze the amount of toys etc. I had for mine only gain their interest for a short while and then they look at me as much as to say are you serious - one thing they do like is natural herb put inside of mice or on its own but sometimes the ones you buy in the shops are not the same - they just love this it is called catnip - you can grow this -  or buy it -   of course age and other factors may be involved. Just my opinion.There is a good video called "Cool for Cats" It is in colour not sure why as a Vet once told me Cats onlly see in black and white do not take this as gospel either. It has great sounds birds,, dogs gadgets with balls, mice etc. good for winter if outdoor cat but not too often get bored with this too. 

    kitty found your stash and burnt a little feline doobie

    If my cats acted like that, I'd get them to a vet.

    yeah Daisy you are right - only one of my cats is lethargic she is eleven and has taken to being a house cat -I did say other factors may be involved - she has seen a vet and she's OK.

    Thanks for letting me know, I was a little worried. People don't realize how sick a pet can get. My dog had tonsillitis, and then kidney stones.

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