    Obama says he must support all the soldiers but in support of the homosexual soldier he is deed rejecting the vast majority of soldiers. How do you see this?

    0  Views: 337 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    Bullets don't distinguish and neither should you and Mr Obama


    Good comment, dunc. I just want to add that all capable persons who would like to fight and defend this country should be entitled to do so.

    Obama is in support off the gays in the military.

    It's true what he said, the commander in chief should support all members of the military. What's the problem?

    Bullets don't distinguish and neither should you and Mr Obama


    He's not. He's calling out the people hoping to become president for remaining silent while a gay soldier was booed when he stood to ask a question during a debate. Obama's stand is that anyone hoping to be commander in chief should be able to back the entire military, not just some of it.

    i think he should have left the don't ask don't tell policy in effect.. he certainly opened a pandoras box on this issue.. it's just a matter of time before it's classified as civil rights violation, with the goverment losing.i honestly don't see anything good coming out of this.


    Don't ask don't tell was not working. Homosexual military people were being followed and watched when they left the base. If they were spotted meeting their partner they were expelled from the military. If they went into a gay bar, they were expelled from the military. The only good that can ever come out of this issue is to allow all tax paying American citizens the right to defend their country. It's not that hard and it's only made hard by insecure people and religious people who believe their god hates it. .

    when i joined the military it was ileagle to be gay then they made it optional , i'm getting the hell out before obama makes it unknown...

    Good, I'm glad the author got the hell out since bigots are not to be trusted in times of war. Who knows, this bigot might not have backed up a person who's color was different than his. Bigots are typically bigots to everything. They are not selective. Anyone who feels the same as the spineless author who couldn't even add his name to his own bigoted words should also leave the military. You show your colors by using that as your argument Daren.

    His boyfriend James Ready was caught with marijuana in his house, with Barney Frank present. Ready paid the fine . No , I dont know how the hell you can say that i said that all homosexuals have pot plants. I did not. These two were in the same house with the marijuana, paraphernalia,and cultivation of plants.Dont get you panties in a tight wad by try twisting my words around. You getting too defensive because of your homosexual lifestyle. Nobody gives a damn about your lifestyle. Everybody here in this sports bar in Balitmore  watching the Jets get their ass whipped saying the same thing. Oh now there are three gay women here saying for you to calm down. They buying the drinks too.


    It was just the way the sentence read. I did say I hoped I was misunderstanding you. I guess when you said "leave these people alone" you only meant Frank and his boyfriend. Or you meant all gays, then flipped back to Frank which I did not catch.

    My life as a lesbian is not a lifestyle, it is a life. A lifestyle is something you choose, like drinking nightly or using drugs or being a prostitute. All chosen lifestyles. Yes, I am defensive of my community. Again, your sentence reads like you are saying homosexuals grow marijuana, it's hard to see you were speaking of only Frank and his boyfriend.
    Many people care about my life. Have you missed all the ones here who busily try to save me from it? Have you missed the posts condemning my life? Have your 3 women read what you wrote without you having to explain it. Tell them also, their life is not a lifestyle unless they are just pretending to be lesbians, then it is a lifestyle because it is a choice to be something they are not.

    Everybody in your sports bar have no knowledge of the history of gay attacks I've seen here. Yes, I am sensitive to anything that may be untrue about gays.

    Oh and please do not swear on this forum.

    yes maam

    If Barney Frank is allowed in congress , homosexuals should be allowed to serve in military. I wonder if these congresspeople take a similiar oath to defend the constitution and USA, as military does . Leave these people alone. What they do at his boyfriends house, behind closed doors, and marijuana plants is their own business.


    So only gays have marijuana plants according to you? Why do you double talk? You support gays then try to bring them down by claiming they are nothing more than druggies? Tell me I've misunderstood you. What does drugs have to do with this? There are lesbians serving too. Are they growing marijuana also?

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