tackling an old bed of raspberries that i would like to keep but it is covered in bind weed and i think couch grass which is even worse with roots 2 feet long, i have tried hoeing and hand weeding but the jobs to big for that so will have to resort to a weed killer that won't damage the canes, also have a rampant bamboo from next door invading our garden. so any suggestions please to eradicate that as well
1 Answer
My suggestion: Cut raspberries down to ground level, then spray with glyphosate weedkiller. This works only on green leaves and will not kill r/berries because you have cut stems back. You can apply glyphosate selectively by making up a solution, then put on rubber glove, dip gloved hand in solution and draw hand along weed leaves.
12 years ago. Rating: 0 | |