    how can you get good results when receiving bad service in a restaurant

    +3  Views: 263 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Good question.  Make the best of the situation and don't return to that restaurant.

    Make the best of the situation then write a letter to the manager or owner of the restaurant when you have a spare minute... the next day is always good... gives you a bit of time to formulate thoughts.

    I find that complaining right then and there isn't always the best method.


    And never order Shrimp when in Canada!

    @fishfry...Afraid of what might happen to your food before your next course gets to the table? LOL!!!

    I am morphing as we speak!

    Morphing or barfing?

    Went to a new restaurant a while back and after ordering the dinner the waiter brought us the appetizers and salad. I was just about to put my fork in the salad and I saw the salad moving. I called over to the waiter showed him the salad, at that point we all stood up and proceeded to walk out. The manager stopped me at the door and said that I was still responsible for the dinner bill. I very quietly advised him to shove the bill up his A**. He insisted and threaten to call the police. I started screaming at him at the top of my voice what the problem was, he turned ten shades of red. I walked out, and no less than a half dozen people threw down their knives and forks on their tables and stood up, I assume they left.


    You trouble maker! Did you even check to see what was actually causing the salad to move? Some of "those things" contain a lot of protein and vitamins you know!
    ed shank

    Roaches, yum.

    i love restaurants. i believe they really want to serve the public well.  if not happy. speak with the manager.  most often they will make the situation right for you.  and of course, as suggested above, you can decide not to go back if that unhappy with service.

    “ I know you are rushed, I’ve worked in restaurants too, so can I clear some tables for you?”  Often the answer is “yes” and clearing up 8 to 10 tables can get them back on track and ease the rush.  They usually don’t charge me for a meal then but I still leave a good tip.

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