    what is a racist?

    0  Views: 577 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    A racist is a person that responds to subconcious programming regarding a person of a different race from them. People have a problem with a racist because often the response is negative, and can have an affect on the victim's livelihood etc. Taking it a step further, a person could have a positive response, to a person of a different race, depending once again on, family and societal programming. Many people overcome their negative racial programing by becoming conscious and expanding their enlightenment.

    2 Answers

    Someone who enjoys NASCAR

    A racist is someone who bases his judgment and opinion of an entire race of people based on their skin color, shape of their eyes, religious preference, manner of dress, or even interaction with one person of that race, and hates the whole race because of this.  They stereotype the people by saying, for example, "ALL (pick your people) are (pick your poison)." 
    Common racist group is the Ku Klux Klan.  The members actively hate African American people.  The Aryan Brotherhood is a group who believe that "White" people are better than anybody else (but I'm betting there are conditions on who is "white").


    Huh? Do you hate a race of people based on their skin color, shape of their eyes, religious preference, manner of dress, interaction with one person of that race???

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