    What should be done when you lose sexual feeling for you husand

    +4  Views: 667 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago
    james 435

    sit down and talk to him

    10 Answers

    Do you still love your Husband?!   

    If you do try to spice things up in bed if that  does not work try sex counceling do note this if that does not work either  you mihgt have to try to talk to him and tell him what you are feeling good communication is best in your marrige.

    Give it time... Marriage is a roller coaster.. you are in love for a while and out of love for a while. It will come back around... Also your body image and horomnal health play a huge part in your desires.  

    You married for better or worse and it does go both ways.... Give it some time and love your husband in the meanwhile.......


    I dont think, vow, married for better or worse applys so much any more, even if it is in vows, other wise, why are there so many broken marrages and divorced people? Why live an unhappy life, because of a vow. ??

    Love him no matter what.  Live up to your vows.  Everything else will eventually work out, including romance.   If not, you're still with your best friend.


    Thats a tough one. It could be a number of things that has created the way you feel now. Are you going into menopause... if so you might want to go to the doctor and have your hormone levels checked, your testosterone might be low.If the dating and fun between the two of you has stopped, maybe you need to do that again. Go out and buy a nice outfit and together plan a sexy date night. Do you feel he has let himself go... then both of you could get on a health kick and exercise together.Has there been a lot of him picking on how you look, if so maybe counselling like RaBiosa mentioned could help tighten the bond.Some self esteen building would be a good thing for you.

    I'm sorry but you made your bed as the saying goes. Or Trade hem in like a car . Life's way way to short.


    A vow is a vow. I don't think you should just trade him in whenever you feel like it. The grass is not greener on the other side of the fence you know.

    sex is not everything love is in the heart we all feel like that sometimes if you want help finding these feelings again think about when you first met him


    mik60, I agree with you,think about first time we met, but over time, people and circumstance change, become more mature, and see things in different way also.

    I would sit down and talk do you know why you have lost your sexual feelings with your Husband it does happen in most relationships and hopefully it will come back but you are the only one who can answer this truthley be honest with each other see a councelor...go on a weekend away plan a sexy nite in or get him to take you out where you never been before ... good luck

    Do you know how many women bought personal vibrators last year , over 8 million, that number has been increasing 25 percent a year last few years. Go to doctor get a physical. You probably be on hormone therapy after that. You body has changed, it can be fixed , you will be better, stronger , and faster. Im not BS you either.

    First you must understand why you no longer find him sexually attractive. Then you need to have an honest discussion with him about how it could be changed. Be open minded, as you may find he has some problems with you also. A counselor might be of benefit to the situation.

    You cannot have a healthy marriage if one or both of you are not happy with your sex life.

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