    if a man wont say he loves you should you leave him

    +3  Views: 553 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    I imagine this depends upon how long your relatiaonship has been. Are you "pushing" hime to say I love you? Don't do that as there are many people (both men and women) who have a hard time just saying I love you even if they do feel it!. Many folks are afraid to commit or say what they feel due to bad relationships in the past both those of the heart and familial relationships or problems with their upbringing.. If you feel like sticking around, do so.....if you're not getting what you want or need out of this relationship then move on...(:

    Verbal love may not be reliable.  You can feel his love by telling whether he cares for you, whether he is considerate of you, whether he puts you in top priority.  Some conservative people like me and my wife do not say "I love you" although we really love each other. 

    Does he TREAT you as though he loves you........?

    Turn the question around.  Should he leave you if you didn't say tell him that you loved him?

    Like ole hipster said a lot may balance in how long you have been in this relationship. Essentially if you feel this way for him and it's early in the relationship, you could be heading for a loss. Sometimes people aren't good a showing their emotion ( emotionally tight) and he may just be that way. We teach people how to treat us and if you find this too difficult , talk to him. If he can't express himself, you have two choices. You either accept him the way he is and just know that he is with you for a reason or you let go and look for a man that can fill your seemingly empty tank.Life is short and I personally experienced recently how quickly it can fall from under your feet. Live full and if this isn't it, run for your life, your worth it! A wise man on here told me once that his wife spent years trying to change him and one day came to him asking for a divorce because he wasn't the man she had married. You have to figure out what things you are willing to accept, changing him isn't a great option if even possible.

    Does he fill your soul?

    Darn no enjoy the ride.

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