    Is it stupid to keep forgiving someone you love even though they don't forgive you?! :/

    +4  Views: 805 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago

    13 Answers

    If it is in your nature to forgive that's fine, but how far do you wan't to go with this person ?Wouldn't you be feeling drained by now?.People can only take so much.If you are spending your days forgiving someone all the time,it is telling me that all is not good.Best to say goodbye now,before all your forgivness runs out.


    No.. it shows maturity. The only person you hurt when you carry around unforgiveness or hatred is yourself.

    Always find a way to forgive... But never forget.

    Side note..... Do your parents know you are on this site? And do they know you use your picture? It might not be the safest thing for a young girl to do. Be safe. Take care.


    Great answer, Jenn. Forgiving helps the one who has done the hurting as well as the "hurtee". For the "hurtee" It relieves the burden of pain and hatred and allows you to move on. Excellent comment about the pic, too. RaBiosa, Jenn is right. Be Careful!

    Then I must be a masochist because Ill never forgive my ex . I believe I can keep this hatred alive for a thousand years . Never forgive never forget !!! If wishes were possible she would be 6 feet under having lunch with the devil . To hell with maturity I pray everyday something totally hideous will happen to her and I hope I get to see it .

    I forgive others for my benefit. When I no longer dwell on what someone said or did to me by forgiving them, i no longer share the guilt that drove them to seek to dump the self loathing they felt onto you. The reason others offend is because they have been offended and don’t know how to handle it, so they try to get rid of their bad feelings by passing them along to others. It is sad but forgiving others frees you of resentment. Have a loving day.  This website adresses these issues very nicely.

    Forgiveness is a two-way street. If you are with someone who is unable to forgive, it is probably time to get away from them. I say this in that, it sounds as though they think life is all about them...and that is a no win situation! Some people are just that way, and nothing on the face of this earth will ever change them, as it is just too deeply an ingrained part of them. Time to move on to different and deserve that!

    Foolish would be a better word. If your avatar is your picture, you shouldn't have any trouble finding someone that would be "true" to you. 

    No it isn't silly however resign yourself to the fact that you can't change people so move on to pastures new if it's a boyfriend .

    To err is human, to forgive is divine.....


    I am a million miles from divine .

    I think  you should just find somebody else and don't mess with him. If he did stuff that you constantly have to forgive him for, then he must be a bad actor.

    no its not stupid. Its human nature to forgive.


    BTW Does ur name refer to the song sung by shakira ? I like the song and vid is great also.


    yes, ha yes it does :)

    Its not stupid to forgive someone once twice or even three times, but honestly do you want to keep on forgiving someone who sounds as though they are taking advantage of your kindness. By doing this you are allowing him to disrespect you. It sounds to me like enough is enough, get out of this situation now and stop draining yourself.

    We must all forgive, as we ourselves have been forgiven. You expressed in your question that you love this person. If you find yourself always having to forgive some one, that means having to say your sorry. And Love is not having to say your sorry all the time. Love knows no sorrow only joy and happiness Love is a gift  And should be given to someone who is willing to accept it.


    No it is not stupid forgiveness is what we should do but if the other person does not accept the forgiveness then that is then their problem.  You have done the best you can when forgiving them.

    This is sad ,the answer you already to know . This situation is like watering a rock hoping for a garden . What ever you put into this is going no where . I would be thinking more of myself and work on my internal foundation . Quit watering rocks is my advice .     Bill

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