    Drug and/or Alcohol Addiction.....

    Have you a family member or close friend who has an addiction to drugs or alcohol?  Has there been an intervention? Hs the member/friend been to an RTF (residential treatment fac ility)? Have there been relapses?

    OR, has the person been in recovery for awhile?  How long?|

     What kind of relationship do you have with this peson?

    +5  Views: 806 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago
    country bumpkin

    Answer meant as a comment from MCM moved here to comment section.


    Do you watch Intervention, PKB ?

    No, I don't watch Intervention.
    country bumpkin

    Just a thought, but perhaps you may consider commenting to MCM about the Intervention program underneath her answer to you so she will see it. :)


    MCM doesn't tend to respond to my comments, but I will, to be courteous.
    This question is so old, though.
    country bumpkin

    Same here, rarely a response.

    Same here. Never a response unless it just happens that the question comes up again. I don't believe she sees (or understands) the notification button. I'm sure I remember her saying a long time ago that she had a number that said 200+ on it and didn't know what it was for. It was explained but....

    Remember when "its mee" had 1400+??
    country bumpkin

    I think you may be spot on Duck...Maybe?

    If I ever had hundreds, I'd just have to delete MYSELF! lol

    6 Answers

    My uncle died  recently due to complications from  alcoholism.

    My oldest aunt died in prison a few years ago,from complications due to Hepatitis she contracted sharing dirty needless.

    My  youngest aunt has been addicted to pills for years and I have heard she has recently begun taking Meth.

    My mother doesn't miss a day at the bar.

    Both my uncle and aunt who have passed away did try rehab, but it only worked briefly before they returned to their old ways.


    terryfossil 1

    In the world of drugs and booze CB,there are more losers than winners..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    So sad. :((, none thank God.

    I have a relative who is a prescription drug addict. All of her drugs are necessary in her mind. She's always in pain and keeps finding new doctors "who understand". When they don't, she moves on to the next MD. The only relationships that she has, are with those who are also "understanding and in pain". Uh huh.


    Very dangerous. She'll end up with RX that don't mix and that can't end on a happy note. Pharmacists don't make sure all your meds are in sync with each other.

    Yep. Many warnings to no avail. "Nobody understands how terrible I feel". Sad.

    I see a tiny violin playing at a pity party for one

    For years.

    :-( borrrrr-ing

    As a non practising alcoholic i do not associate with people who drink or take drugs,i have 30 odd years sober,and i have a healthy fear of returning to a world that God got me out of.i have had people ask me why i do not try and help people out of the world i came from,,and i have always answered,i am too afraid i might get dragged back into that world,,there is a saying in AA,always bend a helping hand down into the gutter to help a drunk,never get into the gutter to help a drunk..there are more people who die in that world than get out of it,,i have had more 2nd chances than i know,,so for me,staying away from it is the best option..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    Good for you and your self awareness.
    terryfossil 1

    Thanks Duck..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    No addictions in my family, just crazy. Hehehe

    I have a small family, but nobody's had a drug prob. Some of them have had a few too many drinks at times.


    There have been some bad times in my family. "Intervention" is an intrusive show spotlighting illness and pain that is really no one's business.
    It's emotionally exhausting.

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