    do u eat in Heaven?

    i bet u dont becuz your alredy ded in heven and in heven you dont die again but if i dont eat ... Ill miss you chcolate... and bacon!!! :*(

    +1  Views: 2593 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: heaven health

    12 Answers

    You eat what God gives you to eat and love it....

    Last time I was there, I had no thoughts and I didn't think of food.

    My idea of heaven is that it will have every thing that you like, Chocolate, cakes,ice cream, puddings,doughnuts,big fried breakfasts. Oh' and some fresh Fruit of cause.

    just had a pecan and custard cake....think I am in heaven

    You have to eat what you are given otherwise you will be sent to the 'other place'.

    Only if you want to. Food is not required.

    That would be a dream come true for me and I would be in heaven so I am voting "Yes"...any thing you like and it will never make you sick.


    I can only hope that there is no tooth decay in heaven.

    I am sure there are toothbrushes and paste...and a whole lot of dentists.

    Only tofu. Real beef is served in the hotter section of paradise.

    Not when my wife cooks

    In hell the people sit around a kettle of food with really long spoons to eat with and they cant eat and they are frustrated. In heaven the same scene but the people are happy and eating because they feed each other with the long spoons.

    OF COURSE you eat in heaven god would never make his child servre.

    In a spiritual world, physical food has no place. so no u don't eat physical food.

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