    how come some people if you walked up and just gave em a 100 dollar bill , they would sit there and win cause it aint in 10's,20's . imean i know you just cant please everyone but why

    +3  Views: 1910 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: none life

    10 Answers

    I believe you meant whine and if you're just giving away 100 dollar bills, I'll take one and not whine about it at all ;)


    me too my hand is out

    Me three. I would take the $100 dollar bill.

    I'm afraid my jaw would drop open and I would look real stupid. I know what a $100 bill looks like, they spend just as fast as 5 twenties....

    Why, indeed, would someone be critical of the gift of a $100 bill?  Maybe those folks would prefer to have a fatter wallet?

    Their glass is always half empty.

    That's just the way some people are!

    I'll take mine in 20s thanks.Once you break a hundred it just disappears anyhow.

    You make no sense. 


    This seems to be about gratitude and being grateful,some people know very little about either . We could all take a lesson about being thankful .Have a great day !!!!!! Bill

    I'll take one of those please.... Uh, ya got a fresh new one that's not crumpled? Just don't like crumpled bills.....

    I do know of a few people who are you just like you described. If they are not gossiping then they are whining.

    Well why do some people complain about their ice cream being too cold??  LOL

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