    How many of you will miss me?

    +11  Views: 1142 Answers: 19 Posted: 13 years ago

    I leave OZ fo a months holiday in London next Tuesday. My daughter ,who lives in London, and I are going on the "Great Adventure" Thought I had better let you all know so you can send my going away presents in time.I fly from Brisbane to Seoul, overnight there then fly on to Heathrow the next afternoon. Get back home first week of November.
    My mates Tommy and Bulletman, both true blue Aussies, are in charge during my absence.
    Stay well my AKAQA friends and most of all laugh lots. Love you all. PL

    Hey mate.I miss you already!Have a great time with your daughter but don't forget to wash the Pommie bits off before yo come home.hahahaha!

    19 Answers

    Not only will I miss you lovebug.. But i am terribly jealous tht you are not coming to the states to see me!!!! You and your daughter could have a fabulous "redneck" adventure hanging out with me and the family.....

    Have A wonderful trip.. Make sure to tell your daughter hello from your AKA friends, and give her a big hug!

    Lots of Love!!!!


    It's 3:45 am and I am wide awake. @@ Terrible.

    Poor girl!!!! It is this site... It keeps you up. I had to step away for 24 hours to catch up on my beauty sleep.... Turn the computer off, and go to bed... Sweet dreams sweet pea.

    peoplelover if you are in Manchester get on site and  let colleen know and she will pass on email and I would love to meet up and luch is on me you have a great trip and enjoy your family xxxx


    Sorry mel,you have me mistaken with peoplelover.Just edit the name.

    Oh Pythonlover I am so sorry anyway you can come if you want to Manchester! sorry about that you know what Im like its the delexia load of names look a like to me sorry again will you for give me (Colleen) see I remebered your real name! xxx

    I can forward your e-mail address to him if you want. Just let me know.

    Thankyou Colleen yes that might be a good idea better late than never thaks again Colleen xoxoxoxoxo

    e-mail sent ;)

    I will miss,pooplelover,have a great time with your daughter in london,see you when you get back from your adventures,

    have a joyful and safe great adventure, sounds wonderful!!! i'll miss you.........

    I will be here, waiting for your return. I will miss you til you get back my Aussie friend . I am however very happy for you that you will have this time away to be with your family and have some fun. :) Stay safe! Take pictures!!



    I want her. What is she? What's her name. Does she chew shoes? I could provide a good home.

    I got it from google images under sad puppies, lol

    So, so cute.

    Have a good time in London. See ya later!

    Peoplelover: My teenager will be jealous of you when he finds out you'll be spending a month in London. I hope this will be a wonderful experience  with great memories abound to always share with your daughter. *~* CB.

    Have a grand vacation, don't think about us while you're away (of else you'll start missing us....)See the sights and enjoy your daughter.........JHH

    Take care and have a happy safe holiday,bye for now.

    Have a fabulous and safe trip PL, I wish i was coming with you, i loved london when i was there, so much history, look after yourself and again have a great break. T""ommy and i will look after OZ for ya!

    I will miss,pooplelover,have a great time with your daughter in london,see you when you get back from your adventures,

    Have a great time, your humor will be missed.

    Sir PEOPLELOVER,  I will miss you while you are away on your vacation. I have traveled very little and I hope you will write down highlights of your trip and bring them back to us.  

    You and your daughter will have a wonderful time in London. Say Hello to her for me and all your other friends.

    Be well.

    You make me feel like a People Lover, sir.   : )


    I told my friend the Queen that you were going to London. She said she will be in the house if you want to call. Enjoy


    If Queen is not in the house,,,,, she be in the Palace.

    Friendindeed, you are not a friend of the queen because if you were you would know she will be in Australia whilst I am away. I got a personal letter asking me to forgive her oversight at not checking with me before planning to come to OZ.
    I told her it was OK and we could catch up another time for tea and cucumber sandwiches. :) *~* Thanks for your reply.

    Yeah,Bloody lousy swap if you ask me!!

    Have a safe trip and enjoy yourself. Make sure you tell us all about it.

    Make sure, bring warm clothes,/ boots,  Long range, weather forecast, snow starts near end of Oct, this year, It was later last year. Hope you understand currency, other wise, you can get ripped off.  Have great time, both of you.


    Thanks for the advice Dollybird but this is my third trip to UK over last 6 years so got the "quids" sorted, I am of an age when we had quids in Australia for the biggest part of it.
    I am going to catch up with Melandrupert in Manchester when I am there and if you let Colleen know she will send my email in OZ and we may be able to catch up also>

    I feel I know so many AKA friends that it would be great to see them and put a face to the names.

    My daughter told me two days ago about the forecast so I have thermal undies packed plus polar fleece jackets, long wool sox, head gear, scarf. Probably get there and it will be hot, the previous times I have been over in August/September.

    PEOPLELOVER. I hope you have great time in UK, despite weather. With the clothes you have packed, sounds more like your going to Russia lol. I used to live in London area, for over 20 yrs, Never been to Manchester. I left UK about 7 yrs ago, moved around abit, now bk in S.Ireland about 2 yrs.

    have a great and safe trip...enjoy

    Bon voyage, Peoplelover!  It is a testament to the family here at akaQA that you would let us know you are off on holiday.  May every minute be safe and happy.  ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY!

    Enjoy  your self    Tell the ole girl over   at  the Buck  Palace  ole Gary  says  hi     you be care ful  hurry back    safely

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