42 Answers (31-42 Displayed)
The oldest profession in the world.. There are different categories of this.
Call Girls, Escorts, Whores. All prostitutes but I don't put Call Girls and escorts in the same category as whores. These are the street walkers, bar hookers, sluts, two bit whores, etc.. There's a certain 'class' that is tied with the elite call girls and escorts.
My opinion is that if made legal and controlled by the state, there would be less divorces and possibly less spousal abuse. The male has a natural instinct to propagate, made morally wrong, many males seek their instincts secretly and end up in divorce and abusing their wives due to guilt. I really think state controlled legality on prostitution is a good thing! Girls in the profession must have periodic health checks and carry a state issued 'license' and pay taxes like everyone else. same for male prostitutes. Street whores should continue being arrested until they clean up their act and either become licensed or get another job..
I will probably get flamed for this but, I am the forum demon, I'm used to flames... LOL
13 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
The word 'whore' is one of the oldest words - it is used to describe women that will have sex for money and even without. modern use of the word pretty much describes the latter. But I'm sure you know that.
As for men getting 'checked out' I agree! If women get health checks, so should the men. Therefore, a man should also have a 'safe sex' card issued by the state. I see nothing wrong with this but on the other hand, most men probably wouldn't bother and end up looking for action illegally anyway. Like many vices, smoking, over eating, alcoholism-- it's up to the person how they live their life. Still, I see nothing wrong with sex before marriage. I see problems with 'street sex' but only as a medical opposition. But, it's their life.
Most women who sell their bodies seem to suffer from low self-esteem and have a multitude of other psychological problems. The seeds seem to have been sown during their early childhood... I can't help but feel sorry for them; having sex with one of them is never pure enjoyment for me for it is a pleasure tinged with a feeling of guilt. I mostly just pay them without having sex for that gives me a feeling of satisfaction. Have never met a "bad" woman among them - but that may because I choose carefully.,
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
I like hookers but no tricks. If they are hooking for a reason....no food, rent money, etc,etc...I will do anything I can to help them out of their situation without taking them to bed. Hooking is bartering with morals and falling prey to an inability to come up with a better way. Desperation is a tragic ruler for anyone. Then there are hookers who are professionals...who I have known and avoid if they are not in trouble. Most are just trying to trying to make ends meet and can accept help. There are women's support groups that are really great and I support any way I can.
10 years ago. Rating: 0 | |