    How old is one before they can say one is old?

    0  Views: 665 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    It depends on one's state of mind.  I am 1298 years young.  I feel great!

    These days 15 is old ...Face it once you hit 15 its all down hill from there ..


    Deleted User

    LOL no 15 year olds know everything , they should move out of home get jobs , pay bills whilst they still do know everthing LOL ..
    So definately 15 :))))

    If you have to ask the question, you must be.

    When you feel old. Old is in one's mind. I've met young people that couldn't even come close to the energy that an older person might have. 

    USA says you are a senior citizen at 55 years old.  I know many 55 years olds that would beg to differ but the discounts are great!

    Lucky for the 55 year old senior citizen of US, getting the discounts. In Ireland, people have to wait till they are 65.

    Deleted User

    55 is the age lol :)

    Ten years older than your (own) current THAT'S old!

    Se tiene que referenciar esta pregunta y también la respuesta, todo es Relativo, decía un genio de la Física. Primero, hay que comprender el término de "Viejo" y luego su aplicabilidad en un escenario determinado. Dicho de otra forma, a principios del Siglo XX en México, tener hijos a los 13 o 14 años en una mujer, era muy común, así como tener al menos 4 hijos por familia en promedio; la gente moría entre los 45 y 50 años de vida y para entonces, quizá ya fuese abuela o bisabuela. Actualmente, el promedio de vida ha llegado a los 75 años y el hecho de tener hijos a los 13 o 14 años, implica una responsabilidad que cada vez es mucho más difícil de sobrellevar, especialmente porque el Modelo o Núcleo familiar se ha desvirtuado y nuevos elementos inciden en la crianza de los hijos.

    Las palabras, como constructos y paradigmas humanos, se desarrollan a la par; hoy lo antes "Viejo" puede ser algo muy apreciado en el caso de las joyas o los vinos, así como lo "nuevo" puede significar un sinónimo de deshechable, barato, frágil. Pero en cuanto a la juventud, ésa especie de alergia que se va resolviendo con la edad, pareciera que se concreta entre las brechas generacionales. Resumiendo, se "es viejo" cuando "lo que pareciera nuevo" nos empieza a incomodar y empezamos a sospechar que lo que vivimos nosotros ha sido lo mejor, no lo de ése momento en especial... Y de ahí para adelante!!!


    You have to reference this question and the answer, everything is relative, said a genius of physics. First, we must understand the term "Old" and then its applicability in a given scenario. In other words, in the early twentieth century in Mexico, having children at 13 or 14 years in a woman, was very common, and have at least 4 children per family on average, people died between 45 and 50 years of life and then, perhaps either grandmother or great grandmother. Currently, the average life expectancy has reached 75 years and having children at 13 or 14 years, implies a responsibility that is becoming much harder to bear, especially since the Model or Nuclear family has been distorted and new elements affect the parenting.

    The words, as human constructs and paradigms are developed at par, now as soon as "old" can be very appreciated in the case of jewels and wine and the "new" can mean a synonym of disposable, cheap fragile. But for youth, that kind of allergy to be resolved with age, it seems that specific association between generational gaps. In short, it "is old" when "what appears new" starts to bother us and we began to suspect that what we experienced was the best, not from that particular moment ... And from there forward!

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