    I am 60 year old widow who owns car house etc. I have 500K. Can I retire?

    I have had the same job for 35 years. I want to live a little before I get to old to do anything. Can I make It?

    +1  Views: 562 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago
    Hired gun

    if you cant you are doing something really really wrong

    4 Answers

    If you live in Kentucky, yes.  If Beverly Hills, California, NO.

    Depending on your life style and where you live it should see you through for quite some time. twenty years, I doubt it.


    Thanks Ed. I live in the midwest and I live a pretty modest life style. They say life begins at the edge of your comfort zone. I am going to take the leap.

    If you live on a budget... Why not work a few more years and sweeten the pot...?


    Everyday I read the paper and half of the obits are people younger then me. Maybe I don't have a few more years.....

    But why take the chance? Live a little while you can afford to and if that means a few more years of work, so be it. THEN YOU CAN HAVE SOME FUN!!!

    I don't think you would have financial problems. In two years time you can start receiving Social Security behefits at 62 or at any month between 62 and full retirement age.  But you have to bear in mind that your benefits will be permanently reduced based on the number of months you receive benefits before you reach full retirement age.  Be a Merry Widow!

    PS.  Each year three months before your birthdate, the SS Admin sends you an updated social security statement to help you better plan your future financial.  If you have not received it, contact your local SS office. 

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