    what is Iraq like to live in for years as a soldier

    0  Views: 498 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    No one can really answer this after any war there has to be a time where people try and return to some normality, many will suffer mental illnesses post traumatic disorders.

    Looking at other wars what happens ? the same thing our troops come home and try and get normality back together. The places that are bomb try and rebuild it is human nature to carry on..


    he is not home and he has a job to do so he can get home safe   to the family  i know it suck not  being home with the family  it is so hard some guys cant talk about about it and  it just hurts to much becouse  in the army the soldier who are in  iraq become a family and when one get hurt or kill it hurt everyone & to me  the soldier   is a SUPER HREO   he or she dont sleep much2 hrs  a night are eat much  just work until  he cant work  when some come to take hes place and we back home just wait and pray to god to take care and bring the soldier home safe ,ty   a Army wife  rose  



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