    are you pro life or pro choice?

    +2  Views: 398 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    pro choice

    Pro being responsible.

    pro life

    Pro choice...

    Pro Life.

    Both. Pro life and pro choice. The pro lifers seek to force women to bare children. In effect, turn women into baby factories and remove their right to abort a pregnancy for any reason by removing their right to choose and criminalizing abortion and charging the woman  with first degree murder of an unborn fetus if she chooses to abort the fetus at any point in her pregnancy.

    Pro choice is established as law and gives a woman the right to choose to end pregnancy or bare her developing fetus as a child.

    I choose both for the sake of the dispute and to suggest moving forward with this by making all life sacred and all potential for life sacred meaning that every sperm cell and egg of every creature must be accorded the right to life and be protected by law. Therefor we must stop chicken murder and bring all chickens to full term and hatch all of them as well all other creatures on the planet and criminalize their consumption as food, vegetarianism or face criminal charges. Are you ready to stand up for LIFE! ?  

    Please don’t TD me as I’m just trying to make a point.

    Pro Choice..

    Pro  Life!!

    pro choice

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