    i bealeve that pets and animals go to heaven....but i am young and new at what i love,the bible,will they go to heaven?


    0  Views: 405 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    thank you all help me uderstand

    4 Answers

    I know you saw the question about this already and answered this. You have a mind. You are allowed to believe what makes sense to you. The bible does not have to be taken literally.

    Yes, animals have a heaven that they go to. They are one of God's living, breathing, eating, caring, loving creations. If they were not as special as His human creations, they would not know unconditional love and how to share it. They share this love better than humans do. Sometimes I believe animals are better than humans but that's just my opinion.


    i hope my hector is thier,

    Of course he is and he will be waiting for you when you get to heaven. You can visit him and he can visit you.

    Some ppl believe they do some pll believe they do not.. I personally believe that  it would not be heavan without them.


    I agree.

    i would like to think the same "all dogs go to heaven " but no where in the bible does it say so ... if that were the case i'd love to be my cat.. but i do know "the lion will lay with the bear' meaning their will be animals in heaven.. not to worry you'll have plenty of eternal pets in the new jeruslam...

    Madie2, I notice that you frequently refer to yourself as being"young."Hmmm...Why is it so important for us to know that? Will you go ask mommy or daddy what this means,"ME THINKS THOU DOTH PROTEST TOO MUCH!"??


    Dont ,keep on having ago,at Madie2

    This question is a month old and Madie is young. She just wants to be understood as to why she asks such questions.

    Lets move on to new questions, shall we?

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