    is a 14 year age difference too much of an age gap?

    I'm a 46 year old woman and have developed a friend ship with a man who just turned 60. We have great phone conversations and I really enjoy talking to him.We live far away from each other so conversations are by phone. Lately I sense a growing chemistry between us and I sense he may want something more than platonic friendship. Aside from the distance issue, is this too much of an age gap for things to work out?

    +10  Views: 1605 Answers: 22 Posted: 13 years ago
    sk girl

    You have all been terrific with your great comments and good advice. Thank you. I have another queation: He mentioned me coming to see him but he lives quite far away (about a good day's drive). He said he would send me a bus ticket and pick me up in the city close to him.Should I go?

    22 Answers

    If you are both happy, go for it. 14 years is nothing.

    your both grown responsible adults, whats the difference? when we get our age i really dont think it matters unless your trying for a man around your sons age

    Absolutely not, older relationships are almost always much better, richer, especially in terms of depth and respect. Good luck!

    No, not at all if there's a possibilty for a relationship go for it.

    Yes, if you're a cat.  Otherwise, go for it, baby.

    whats fourteen years if its love coming on go for it

    You are an adult... Do what makes you happy!

    no I think that is fine enjoy your new relationship!

    I've always liked older men, 14 years was nothing to me. But now that I'm older myself, I see what a fool I was when I was young. At 46, I think you know what you are doing,,,,


    Good advice from someone who's been there, as well as, TO younger women contemplating an older male relationship. Make sure it's right for you on a deeper, personally repectful level.

    Lay the ground rules out to him maybe he is mistakenly misread  something you may have said in a conversation . but in any event  14 yrs difference in age is a bit much   reason being is  your thinking and his  thinking is on a different age level and will always be.  my advise  tread lightly.  but  it can  work for the two of you  

    I see people age 60 who are alive and vibrant, and 45 year olds that are lazy, boring, and just don't care about anything. If you "gel" go with it.


    you're so right

    My dad was 15 years older than my mom. She couldn't keep up with him. It's only a number.

    14 is only a number.  Forget about it.  Go ahead and enjoy your happy relationship.


    not far from the 100k club!xxx

    I am running with shortness of breath!

    No honey, age is nothing but a number. But if theyre under age just be careful. :D

    At 46 and 60, the difference in age in negligible, except for the point Randy makes.  BUT, ed shank makes a counterpoint that is equally true.
    My personal opinion is to take the next step and see what happens.  You are not signing a marriage contract, you are just developing the friendship at this point.

    By the way, while I've not yet enjoyed a relationship with anyone much older than myself, I have enjoyed good friendships (and more) with men younger than myself.  It's more a connection intellectually, emotionally, physically... if you let age be a determining factor, you really limit yourself (like those "old guys" with money who are looking for the "younger women")

    Go for it, what have you to loose. In time to come, you might be thinking, What If. !!

    I sure hope not.......

    I don't think it's a good idea if you plan on a long relationship, men age quicker than woman and you will be caring for an old man down the road, just do some long thinking before leaping.

    " Only (Time) can tell.'' I wish you both all the happiness that the both of you can make of ! "

    I just want to thank you all for your advice and your kind words of encouragement. You guys are awesome!!


    My second wife was 12 years younger than me, and our life was great. My current wife is 14 years younger, and the only problem we have encountered so far is, I have retired but she has to keep working to make ends meet. It is kind of a pain that we can't do the things I would like to do in my retirement. Best wishes in your relationship!

    Flip, what happened to your 2nd wife ?

    Mycatsmom: She died of heart attack at 49.

    No way, its true that age doesnt matter, me and my partner have a 27 year age gap- Im keeping him young while i get to learn new things.

    No, it's not too much of an age gap. My husb, Joe was 18 years older than me. And we had a lot of fun togeither. He was very youthfull. He didn't put it on  . . . ..he just was.  He had a tremendous capacity to have fun. And then , he went and died, dammit .


    I feel your pain dear.

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