8 Answers
People used to barter their goods and services before money came along.
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
grow your own. can, dry, freeze for future use. what ya think they did back in the day? hunted for meat and fished. ever ate a coon? taste like roast beef.
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |

Money is not the problem. Initiative is. Why shouldn't a hard working person enjoy the fruits of his labor? Some people settle for the minimums in life and then curse those that attempt to do or have more than just survive life. We will always have those who feel they are entitled to the same "things" their neighbor 's have without putting in the same effort their neighbor put into their success. Stop complaining and move your asses. The probability of success is directionally proportional to the effort one makes to accomplish a specific goal. Put nothing in, get nothing out.
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |