4 Answers
It sure is but the reward of having a living being love you unconditionally is well worth the work :)
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Yep they need a lot of care and loving..oh so true...and they cost a fortune..like kids!;-)...No one should have cats/pets if they`re not prepared to put in the work,,,,but to me I couldn`t be without my brood..and yep so long as you run an ongoing restaurant...they love you"UNCONDITIONALLY)!!!:-)
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
I could not live happily without pets! They aren't too much work when you think about it. Every animal (including humans) needs some exercise, fresh air, fresh food, and fresh water. Every animal needs love - they need to be petted, scratched, and told how wonderful they are many times a day! They need a clean place to live, sleep, and go to the bathroom- and please be polite and pick-up your pet's poop when outside! Pets are the best at offering unwavering unconditional love to you if you do the above...Oh, they like to play too!
12 years ago. Rating: 1 | |