    how much to take a hamster to the animal hospital

    0  Views: 790 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    From what I've read on different websites

    it seems to range between $10-$40. 

    Location and what is wrong with the

    hamster probably plays a part.

    If you were the veterinarian, how do you think you would charge?  Remember that this IS a business, and that you have overhead costs, salaries, materials, mortgages, etc.  As you can see, it is near impossible to levy a fair cost to people for "pocket pets" small animals which have little monetary value.  I am sure that there will be one vet out there who will see your pet, and charge you a fair price for services.  You may be better to look up in a book for symptoms that you see on the hamster, and maybe it is something that you can solve by changes of management.  

    If you take it with you via taxi, you'd probably be charged for just one passenger. Same as for a bus, too; just one fare.

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