    how to make extra money

    +1  Views: 428 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    My personal favorite way to earn extra money is to economize in every way I can. I reduced my heating bills by insulating and by doing work around my home myself.  Soft drink cans and bottles are turned in for a refund. I use coupons when applicable to foods I usually eat buy when such products are on sale. I price check across multiple stores and shop for the best deals. I have a large freezer that allows me to buy bulk foods and store it frozen. I retrofitted the freezer with styrofoam insolation inside and out being careful to avoid insulating areas that are used for discharging heat or that are used for cooling. As a result, the freezer normally turns on once a day and runs about 10 minuets rather than 8~10 times daily for 15 to 20 minuets. I clean my own car and maintain it. I repair appliances and keep plumbing traps and filters free of build-up. I have worked intensely to pay off all debts. So presently my income exceeds my cost of living. This gives me an opportunity to work for myself and maintain hobbies that  I enjoy and are profitable also. My companion enjoys art and is a recognised talent in her field. I’m more eclectic and enjoy working on enterprises. I produce some enamel jewelry and fittings service trays, bird houses, garden tools and markers, etc. I produce hydrogen for household heat and shop use in a home made system. This saves over $2000.00USD per year and facilitates the use of numerous tools and convinces. I think a household should provide for those who reside therein and work outside the home for those few things the home cannot reliably produce. Reducing dependence outside the home is a vital part of personal freedom otherwise a person is simply a slave in a system of interdependent machine parts.          


    In order to make extra money I work extra hours.

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