    how to stop a dog from barking

    my little yorkie poo barks over everything even if she hears the wind blowing how do I stop her from all this barking any ideas

    +1  Views: 608 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    GENTLY... very very gently... let her know when barking isn't on. When somebody comes to the door & she barks, ladle on the praise. Any other time grasp her firmly on either side her neck... that's FIRMLY, not to hurt, but not so she can wriggle away either, and very calmly say QUIET. If she barks the instant you let go, repeat it. Needless to say, make sure you have plenty of time because give in & you may as well never have started. The first time you let go & she hesitates for a fraction of a second... favourite titbit and PRAISE. It can be done, and it can, and should, be done with kindness. Dogs WANT to please, and they will if you teach them how... & for everybody who suffers from a dog that's normally fine but turns into the Hound of the Baskervilles when it's on the lead... It is protecting you. The answer, if there is somewhere safe from traffic, is to take the lead OFF. it will not attack every dog, or human, in sight... but teach it to come when its called first. How? Titbits & praise when it does... and NEVER be without them. What did you think I was going to say?
    Give her a chew toy to play with or a Peanut butter in a ball that they have to work on keep her mind busy will help.
    Bone work really well

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