    side effects of flu shot

    +1  Views: 716 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago

    13 Answers

    Some redness and swelling on the injection site - temporary - and maybe a slight cold (corryza) not influenza. Common saying when people have a cold is they say "I have flu" Influenza will takes you as an inmate in hospital for about three weeks. Influenza injection well worth having if indicated i.e. elderly, immunodefient disorders. diabetes Mellitis respiratory conditions heart disease etc as it can have serious consequences with all its complications even in healthy people   - Influenza changes it's virus from year to year. 


    I never trust that they aren't injecting something else with that shot. For the flu, I use this all natural and kicks a$$ on the flu.


    Oh yeah The World Health Authority needs to waste their money making a cocktail - I do not think so.It is not for suspicious minds.

    Bird flu? Swine virus? Uh huh...research them. Suspicion does not kill the cat, it prevents the cat from being a guinea pig. A fancy titled organization does not mean it has the people's well being at heart. Even ex M.D.'s are warning of the governments meddling into creating new virus's and injecting the innocent.

    Most commonly a touch of the flu or the flu itself. I never get the flu shot and never will.


    Rhubarb.A common misconception.

    Homeopathy has it's place but can interact with conventional medications. Also there isn't a homeopathic cure for Influenza, Tuberculosis HIV etc. cholera which is rare now because of vaccination.

    The flu shot is not a cure either, it's just a preventative.

    There is no cure for certain viruses if a cure could be invented for viruses it would be amazing and the people that did would be millionaires - prevention is better than cure

    Really? Better than a cure huh? I bet if they'd stop using humans as guinea pigs with all these shots they give out, we'd have less disease and no reason for the drug industry to keep getting billions from the government to "research" these diseases they create.
    There is a cure for all virus's. Homeopathic medicine.

    HIV Leading onto AIDS was not created by drug companies neither were Tuberculosis Cholera Syphyllis etc. Get real - I am aware of how drug companies make money fraudulently but also the drugs that do help people created by them. If you wish to live your fateful life (which can be profoundly helpful to you which is admirable) do so but do not expect people to suffer when there are palliative and curable drugs to help them. Do not generalize not all drugs are tried out on humans(with consent) or animals - I also do not agree with the use of what you say are "guinea pigs" especially animals.Oh you have all the answers don't you - you work with dying children and people you may have a little more understanding.
    listen up a bit.Don't take yourself so seriously.Also forget your feeling of self importance here - it is not applicable.

    Fateful life? Why do you make it sound so seriously bad? I do not take myself seriously, I take the whole modern medicine poisoning man seriously. You should too. You should also take your own advice and listen. The product I posted the link to has prevented and removed the flu from millions of people around the world. I've not had the flu in over 15 years since I started taking it to prevent the flu.
    How do you know those diseases were not created by man? Where did they come from? Is this one of those Goddidit things? God created them all just so humans could suffer or did man do it? I blame man. You're the one making me bigger than I am here by accusing me being a way that I am not being. I discuss, I debate and I might even argue but that is allowed here.

    I never did say who or how these diseases evolved and I think if you wish to debate you should be more informed not just on your thoughts and be far more open minded.Also you should resist making predictive statements.

    Hepatitis C cured with homeopathy

    I was not debating as of yet but I will if that's what you want. I can bring a lot more to the table than just my opinion.

    I am in no way judging you - just saving my facts which you can idispute as no doubt you wish and do.

    geez, give it a break already. Your "facts" are your personal opinions and hold as much water as you claim my opinions do. Now let it go.

    My family and I have had the flu shot for the past twenty years. My daughter taught First Grade and now has three healthy little kids. Everybody of the proper age gets a flu shot. I operated a home daycare/preschool which is a fine place to get the flu! <cough cough> <Achoo> It would have been unthinkable to not have a flu shot.


    None of us have had the flu.

    I get flu shots every year and haven’t had any problems. 

    Since educating myself on the value of flu shots and side effects, I have stopped having them.


    Have you ever tried this? I've had many people try it and they all come back raving about it. The flu is gone in 3 days

    I have added it to my favourites, thanks.

    There is no way flu goes in three days - it is not flu. A cold lasts approx. a week - if you treat it and no respiratory problems i.e. bacteria involved but usually only uppper respiratory without lung involvement - it lasts approx. a week -if you do not it lasts approx. a week. But Flu is something else and can be quite devastating.

    I am so glad you are so healthy in order not to need them.

    It is the flu, lol. My friend went to the doctor and was diagnosed with the flu. She did not take what he gave her, she instead tried this product because she believed me when I told her to take it. She was over the flu in 5 days, felt a lot better on the second day of taking it. It took her a little longer because she was already a few days into the flu. Instead of being a naysayer, give it a try and prove that it does not work.

    By the way, my last cold was the same as ,my last flu, over 15 years ago. This same company makes a cold pill called coldcalm. Feel a cold coming on? Take coldcalm and the cold never hits fully and is gone completely in 1 to 2 days.

    Colleen 15 years ago you would not have probably been eligble for a flu vaccination - I am not sure or your diagnosis but i am old enough to be your mother!This coldbalm sounds good never heard of it I will give it a try thanks but what has this to do with Flu.

    The point was, I have not had the flu in 15 years and and have never had a flu shot but have taken oscillococcinum every season as a preventitive. Certain jobs demand the flu shot by the way irregardless of age. How old are you that you are old enough to be my mother? I'm 49 years old. My mother is 74 years old and has not had the flu in longer than I have because she found the oscillococcinum 2 years before she turned me onto it.

    Redness and tenderness at the injection site, fever. There aer now inhaliants that dont use egg, s oif you alergic to egg I would suggest you let your Dr. know.. I use the inhalant becuase it briuse and swell from the shot.

    You probably think this a vote for sympathy from you - I came out of hospital on the 31st August - had major shoulder operation - during my time in hospital I went into heart failure. Now today I started to have blood in my sputum - I have to go for even more tests what a pain - maybe TB he said perhaps I should abandon this and run to the homeopathic clinic.

    I worked with a Dr. at the Royal Marsden who set the regime of drugs to treat leukaemia and this is used world wide and saves many people's lives are you saying man should not go down this route as it is Gods will for them to have disease and die? He gives Man choices to make things better.    


    See how modern medicine works? Go in for one thing and BAM! the list gets longer. It's up to you what you do if you have T.B. You keep saying you worked for a doctor, that's great and wonderful but healing does not start and stop with M.D.'s. I was a truck driver but I know that it's not just trucks that get the products to the people. There's planes, trains and boats too.

    As for this:
    "you saying man should not go down this route as it is Gods will for them to have disease and die"

    I have said nothing of the kind. I have also not said people should not see a doctor or use the medicine. I am saying there is a choice. A natural choice. God gave us that too as He created the herbs, vitamins and minerals.

    Back to flu shots, I get them every year. Those people who say the shot gave them the flu already had it to began with. I am diabetic, it would be foolish not to take just one more shot.......

    Yes you are probably rightl  listen to the voice of reason as Collen has said -how arrogant is that for her to say that. I have masses of homeopathetic products in my flat to include herbs, vitamins and minerals and cosmetics not tested on animals.

    Thanks you guys Not.  - we certainly do not agree and I wish this to stop - what in the world is a moderator one of those bureaucratic jobs - it would be good to know here.I so hate confrontation.Some of you seem to enjoy fighting I do not, I am OK I do not need support - I have a greater insight into this girl than you all realize. and no that is not arrogance that is something else which she probably knows.  


    A moderator moderates the forum, this one in this instance. I enforce the rules here, remove vulgar threads, delete offensive comments and suspend people for not following the rules of the forum when they attack other people. I do not allow name calling just to belittle another, something I've allowed you to do to me twice now (this thread and the other one, you know the one) while you try to hold yourself above me. I did remove your really nasty post about me, the one just before this one. You may have your opinions but not at the expense of my character. Sorry. I would not allow you to do the same to any other member on this forum. I enforce the rules set down by the administrators of akaQA.

    What you call confrontation is allowed here when people have opinions to share. You take it personally if someone does not agree with you. Not everyone is going to agree with you and opinions are welcome here whether they echo yours or not.

    Now I suggest you let this go. You've posted 3 more times since you said you would stop. Drop it.

    You did intimate that it was God's will. Your last comment is of latter days not of today - there were believe or not alturistic people when  I was around then. Do not intimidate me least of of patronize me - as I said it would take a greater person than you to do so. I am only bothered by people I respect and this has to be earned. Please take a good look at yourself !!!- work out your problems before putting them on others - I know too near the mark as previous comments from me my mind is quite clear about this.I did not say I worked for a Doctor - I worked in the medical profession you see you are doing it again tryying to undermine me - of course I realize there ae more healing processes than medicine - please give me a break I cannot keep going around the houses with you - you simple do not get it and it it is jist a waste of tte little enegy I have right now.You sem to lack so much humanity.       


    "You did intimate that it was God's will"

    Where? I asked you if you thought God created the diseases and not man. I say man did. That in no way says I blame God.

    My last comment is of today. Not sure where you see yesterday.

    I am not trying to intimidate you. Apparently if you think I am, it is you that has the problem. You're the one who threw the fit and got all offended over natural medicine.

    As you say, respect is earned and you're a far cry from gaining mine the way you keep misquoting me and mentioning that I have problems just because I do not agree with you. Sounds like you do not like the contradictions that only chemically laced drugs can cure.

    Again I say mirror and if you call that patronizing, so be it.

    You tried to do this very same thing with the pregnant child thread, you just like to fight. I'm done.

    Ladies... I think we are "chasing rabbits" at this point... You 2 dont agree. Take a breath and let it go...
    Lots of Love

    Thanks ref. I already said I was done. ;)

    Jenn ~ Swing 'em to the left.
    Swing 'em to the right.
    Stand up. Sit down.
    Fight! Fight! Fight!
    (Haven't done that one since my senior year)
    I sure agree with you, sweet lady.

    I love you Colleen!!!!
    Itsmee.. I wish you were her I would so cheer with you!!!

    We can all cheer together. The steps are easy and LOVE gives ya better rhythm.
    Ah 1, ah 2, ah 123

    I have read now some of your comments regarding my judging you - I think it is best we agree to differ as I do find a lot of what you say unfounded especially the Hep C one - if this were true even with affidavits ( a  lot of your comments can have detrimental effects on others) it would be used widely - I worked around the corner to the Homeopathic Hospital in London - The time I worked was not of today which everything is a different ball game - then it was not based on gain.


    The government does it's very best to keep that information from coming out. They also get their well paid "experts" to speak against it because they know people like you will believe them. The government wants NO ONE stepping on their biggest money maker, revenue creator, the pharmaceutical companies.

    Believe me if you want to meet an anarchist meet me!!!

    i take them too and never had a bad reaction. but i do think the govt. has to do with some of these diseases to try and control world population


    So do I to a certain extent - I did mention propoganda but did not mention the time when the American Government gave American Indians Smallpox shots to reduce their population but they did not invent the smallpox.

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