    what do abomination mean biblically

    0  Views: 451 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers


    There are two.

    One being Abomination (not sin)

    The word abomination has changed much over the past few centuries. The original meaning of it was "against custom/tradition/societal norms"... Basically abnormal in ritual respects. But what many people don't realize is that it is not usually calling something an "abomination" when it refers to them in the bible, not by our standards of an abomination. What its intent was to show that something was "unclean", not appalling or disgusting, but simply against custom because it is not considered clean. It is found most in the cleanliness portion of Leviticus. Of course the standard of what is clean has changed as well over time. Shellfish were unclean in the era in which the bible was written, now they are fine to eat.

    The other is Abomination of Desolation (the sin one)

    By definition, the Abomination of Desolation is something abhorrent to God that will bring to ruin or devastation. And when we search the Bible diligently, comparing scripture with scripture (the correct form in Biblical hermeneutics), we find that in almost all instances where the pertinent Hebrew word translated abomination [shiqquwts] is found, it is dealing in some way with God's people falling away or forsaking Him, to serve the gods of the heathen nations. In other words, it clearly illustrates the spiritual idolatry of the Lord's people in turning away from Him to serve false gods. It is in this context that we find that the disgusting (abominable) thing that God hates is His people going after false gods. It is this abomination that will leave them in ruin (desolate). The scripture is replete with examples of this abomination.

    horribly hated sin


    That would be Abomination of Desolation not simple abomination.

    ""I am always sinning.

    Sin- Transgression of the Law of God.


    Abomination of Desolation is anyway.

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