    Is there an American made sewing machine?

    Looking for a company to sponsor our craft and car show events. Over 40,000 Camp Lejeune Marines and their families live in our area. A great opportunity to show and demonstrate your product to thousands of military and civilian people. Both shows are featured in the American Legion Building, Jacksonville, NC, There is one other large craft show held at Camp Lejeune that is sponsored by a large car dealership. It will not be in conflict with our shows.

    0  Views: 228 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    I cannot find one all-american sewing machine manufacturer still in business. Isaac Singer would turn in his grave if he could read this. This is but one example of hundreds that has made a once proud and great american nation no longer the land of unlimited opportunities and dreams. Sad  sad  sad.  When will they wake up ? The free world needs a strong, free and prosperous USA. 




    Singer built a Castle on an Island with way cool hidden passageways

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