    what is a male chauvinest

    0  Views: 673 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    That is a male that think women are below them. They feel women cant be intelagent, shouldnt work or wok in a mans field, thinks they should stay home ,have babies, have dinner ready on time, and their oppinion is medial if that. He thinks women are week and need to be talked to as if they are simple. He thinks men do everything better.


    We don't do everything better that's a myth but we can spell

    He also shows his ignorance by making remedial remarks (see comment above) to help himself feel superior in his small little inferior world. He does these things because he is afraid that a woman can do something if not most things better than him. He will capitalize on small minor mistakes and blow it out of proportion to make her feel small or insecure to gain control over his own inaptness. Thank you Dunc for providing me the opportunity tofurther exspand on chauvinestic behaviors.

    Judging by your name?  Probably you, jungle bob!  Did she just call you that?

    A male chauvinist is a man who patronizes, disparages, and otherwise denigrates females in the belief that they are inferior to males and thus deserving of less than equal treatment.  The question is often posed as follows:  Is he a male chauvinist or just a huge a--hole???


    There is many a female A-- hole being one isn't gender specific, which isn't suggesting that you are one, it's to do with oppinions and intelligence.Female A---holes somtimes refered to as Bovines whilst males are Two-hats Lol

    You forgot to add the word pig to the end.....


    lol I did think of that but I restrained only because that is my (and your along with many others, im sure) opinion. Was trying to be facual and non bias. lol hard to do sometimes I must agree.

    Named after a possibly fictitious soldier in the Napoleonic wars named Nicolas Chauvin who allegedly performed many heroic feats.


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