    how can felons get jobs

    0  Views: 818 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers


    The one thing you have in favor is , employers get tax advantage for hiring you. Really, you are a better choice for a job. I do say this. You are likely to be on time for your job, less absences, better worker than the other workers. Your freedom depends on it. You have to meet certain guidelines. You are less likely to steal. Do you have on the job training when you were in prison. There are many jobs out there. Good luck. Hope the best for you.



    Very good answer zorro,good for you.

    Very good answer zorro,good for you.


    Try occupations where it really doesn't matter, like construction, or work in a kitchen. Most importantly, get yourself training in a field. To many employers, your past is your past, and they'll give you a chance. The bottom line is, you have to make yourself valuable to a prospective employer. You can even open up your own business in some circumstances.

    If you are on parole or probation you can ask your  parole/probation officer. Also try a temp agency.They will save you the hassle of applying to a company that excludes applicants with a record.


    you can also be hired after working as a temp. They know you and your work history working for them through a temp agency. This is a excellent way to get back into the working field. Do not change jobs, you need for your future boss to see you as permanent employee. When you change jobs, it looks like you can't hold a job down for long. Stick with it.
    metal face

    Well said Daisy,I hope you are well.

    From what I see many of the restaurant cooks were either former military or prison cooks

    An awful lot seem to have prison tattoos

    try any union you've already done your apprenticeship..

    i know you dilemma. my son has a number. hes been out ten years now and they still use that against him. if you tell it they dont want you. if you dont tell it then you lied they dont want you. i dont think there is  a limit as to where that stops. he just does what he can. if you have a woeber mustard company in your area, they will hire you. so will dole fresh fruits and veggies.

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