    What is the difference between gifted students and smart students

    +2  Views: 1139 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Not really sure, but I'm going to give this a shot.

    Students are tested every year. The tests are administered nationwide and students are ranked according to scores.  The highest score in a subject area is 99th percentile. There are tests for English grammar, comprehension, math, history, and science.   
    This is one method of determing how sharp a kid is; how much progress has been made from last year and how does the sudent compare on a national basis with other students in the same grade. This is how you find a "smart" student (one who is capable of being academically successful; certainly there is no guarantee, but the potential is there).  Note there may be "smart" kids who don't do well on tests.  Don't know how to account for that.

    There is a test that determines a student's placement in the GATE (Gifted and Talented Educational program) and it is not based on reading comprehension or math computation so much as it is based on logical conclusions and "relationships".  I remember my son telling me that he was tested and enjoyed the test because it included puzzle questions.  Knowing that, I felt that one of my sons would never "pass" the test and be in the GATE program.  He was horrible at puzzles.
    Oddly enough, all three of them were labeled GATE students.  There were students in the program who struggled with academics, but shined at problem-solving and creative tasks. They weren't "book-smart"; they were creative, thought outside the box. They were gifted.



    Why am I not surprised at your kids' performances?

    Great explanation. I never knew this answer because I never fell into either category.

    You should have been at the top of both!

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