    Have we brought doom on ourselves by poisioning the earth with systemic pestisides , killing off the bees thus breaking the food chain whats your input on this matter.

    +6  Views: 1237 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: environment

    9 Answers

    Of course all the pesticides that we have incorporated into our atmosphere has an obvisou effect upon our livelihood and that of all living cratures.....doom is inevitable unless we can all pull together to stop this...this is futile in my mind...nobody listens to the "little people"...we are just left hanging and to worry and especially about our future generations...if you have an answer...let us hear it!...I am totally jaded....but I still love humanity and hope for the best.....I believe that is all we nfcan do at this point in your corngressperson..give me a they ever respond??...we as the little people no longer have a voice....unfortunately I would say to you....get used to it!.....unless you can start a revolution and I doubt if that is possible...given the major majority of us....we are tired....I am a 62 year old female who has been areound the block so to speak and I am weary....get my drift?...(:

    Yes. You and everyone will die and there is no way out. Let’s party.

    ole hipster

    Let us party hardy!!!....(:

    You got a point there Dam the EPA and the enviromentalist

    Einstein said"Witout Bees, man can only last another 4 Years." There are very dangerous pesticites still on the market. They will be outlawed by 2018. By then it will be much too late. Noxious Energyfields are also affecting the earth own magnetic fields. Power, greed and technology will bring  about the demise of all life on our planet   Yea, so lets party!

    Yes we are all responcable

    Very sadly,true.

    worry about the creator, not the creation..this too shall pass..i certainly don't endorse trashing the earth, respect what god gave us, but get you priorities in order..

    There is no doubt the Bee population is reducing and because of this pollination is being effected. There is enough research around that gives credence to this situation.

    Yes your ass is doomed from the time you was born. The earth will be fine it always will be humanbeings have always had suicidal tendacies as a single person or as a whole. so don't get  bent out of shape everything is good we all will be gone soon  so don't worry about it like the guy before me party because the sorry ass filthy rich don't give a dam about you or the earth so they just go on with their merry way not giving a dam about nothing but they material stuff . I know one thing the earth will be so happy when we wipe our sorry asses of the face of the earth. I WOULD LIKE TO GO ON BUT FOR WHAT .

    To hell with the tree huggers, when do these people realize that humans are more important than a mosquito.

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