    What is the estimated planet earth's age

    0  Views: 625 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    approximately 4400 years. It was formed when part of the spiritual earth was transformed into our physical earth during Noah's flood.
    The earth is 4.5 billion years old and the universe is approxamately 14 billion years old.
    Jazzman, science is wrong, billions years theory has too many issues with it and way to many contridictions, so go read your bible and you will get clear answers
    anywhere from 6-8 thousands years
    One cannot argue or convince radical creationist about science vs creation. You're all to brain washed to even use logic.

    I stand to be corrected. Biben is correct about the earth's age of 4.5 billion years and the universe 14 or 15 billion years old. I got the two confused. And how can anyone even consider the earth being 4400 years old when the Chinese and Egyptian cultures where already far advance over 5,000 years ago. How can people be so ignorant.
    The estimated planet earth's age is 15 billion years. Not 6 to 8 thousand years. Whoever answered 6 to 8 thousand years must be a creationist. Read a science book instead of the bible.

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