    The ones who have said that, it is better to lost and loved then have never loved at all, must have never had true lover friendship, To have lost and loved is the biggest, hurt in the world, you can't eat, sleep, work, think, or even dream. I was once asking do you know what love is. I thought that it was just having someone. I thought that love was waking up with someone. I thought it was someone to talk too. I thought I knew it all. I was wrong. Love is wake up in the morning with breath that

    +3  Views: 559 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."  
    Having loved and lost more times than I want to tell you about (puppy love included), I can vouch for the pain you are experiencing as being real.
    About 10 months ago, I lost a loved one.  He didn't die; he moved on, and I cried off and on for day after day.  Songs on the radio would render me useless in my despair.  This can't be true. How can I lose this person?  He doesn't love me anymore....did he ever?
    I'm ready to take a chance again, praying next time will be the one that sticks.
    Am I sorry I loved someone?  Never.  I'd rather love and lose (complete with the heartache I think will never stop), than to never know the thrill of love. 
    Think about it.  

    ed shank

    Bob, I'm in total agreement with everything you said. There was a time that someone came into my life. The exhilaration was beyond words. Although a physical relationship did not happen, I felt no less pain. The decision not to take this to another level was mine. I couldn't face my wife had I let that happen. This happened 21 years ago, and I still think about this person today. Love sucks and hurts when it's over.

    Reminds me of another quote
    "Of all sad words of tongue and pen,
    The saddest are these
    What might have been."

    Something like that, but you get the point. :{
    ed shank

    I get your drift.

    Never going to happen again Never !!!!!! I would rather call a escort once a week than go thru that garbage again . I am done with that foolishness . I hope that man eating , soul sucking ,she devil.that screwed me over gets what she deserves .

    I'm hoping to be completely indifferent to those who hurt me; have enough baggage without heaping heartaches on top of everything else.
    We all get what we "deserve", bluesman, one way or another, sooner or later. Maybe this is what you deserved for some reason...and I'm certainly not saying you did.

    Confucius says, "It's OK to let a fool kiss you, but don't let a kiss fool you."

    The first time I was ever in love, was when I was 17 yrs. old. His job required him to move out of the country for several years. My family decided that is was not in my best interest to keep in touch with him. I was heartbroken. To this day I always wonder what could have been. Yes, it truly hurts when you loose someone, but eventually you will find love again,like I did. Life flows and we have to move with it, or get left behind.

    ed shank

    Very smart words madam.

    And some of us never catch up. :(

    5bucks-  I am so sorry you lost someone you truly loved! That quote is a saying that has been around for a long time.  When someone is mourning a loss of someone they loved dearly other people often say innapropriate things to try to ease your pain.  It can be laughable to very upsetting. We dont learn about the emotional aspects of dying (for the person, their family friends, caregivers,tc) and we certainly arent taught about the grieving process either.  Sometimes it is more soothing to have someone to give you a hug, listen to you quietly, respond only if you ask for it, and just hang out so you dont feel so alone. and when you'rse having one of your up days and dont want to talk about it to have a friend come over so you can laugh and "play" and enjoy yourself!

    People need some guigdance and you may need to say...I dont want advice I just feel like I need to talk about things....Or hey lets not talk about (the person you lost) lets rent a fuuny movie, eat junk food and chill. {Doing this is not rude- and most people like to get this kind of information},

    I hope this helps!!!! Doo

    Yes, love is within yourself, it is different from the love you feel for someone else. The love within is lasting and cannot be destroyed. I agree with you.

    It's just one of life's occasional lessons that comes along while traveling its path...of which we endure and move beyond from to the next. No warranty expressed or implied, except the chance to find something better, if you want to venture out beyond the moment to find it.

    Life IS hard,  BUT do you know what it feels like to live an entire, difficult life and NEVER having experienced real love all your life??!   Even if short-lived?  Better than the alternative.

    What I have learn about love,It better too have loved and lost, than not too have loved at all, Well I would haft too say I'd lose or am I wrong about the meaning of love? love is it not long suffering being patient,don't seek it own, don't expect anything in return,being unselfish,kind, thoughtful?

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