    what do you do when you when your boss tells you this is your your last chance

    All i tried to do was help there was a customer, whom was upset at a a cashier and trying to get help meaning the asistant manager to help the situation which he did.
    But, the problem was when another cashier told me twice that if i where two ever do that again
    she would slap me 2 times and hit me. I told the cashier what the boss expected of me and everyone and she did like it and all i was trying to do was what my boss said. Now I did waid a dad to say anything but i was the one in trouable but she did get fire.

    +1  Views: 447 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    Start looking for a job.  Don't throw away the old water until you have the new.

    First : If a woman told me to my face she was going to slap me  I would give a great deal of thought to the image I was projecting to the world.No one should be threatened with assualt in the work place for any reason.. Next if there is a grivence procedure I would explore it . Ill bet that this is a Wal Mart story. Dont sound like much of a job or boss so I would start looking . There are ways to be happy on the job  this sounds like one that should be in your past . Woman has so little respect for you that she feels like slapping you there are other more serious issues going on . Going to need to deal with that at some point .Whole thing sounds a little twisted to me somehow .Keep a low profile until you have a good exit planned. Good Luck

    wat i mean is let everynoe there handle ther own stuff and you just do your job and the hell with the others

    pay atention and do your job

    Don't throw out the baby with the bath water....

    Well if the cashier got fired as you say,you might be next.Just do what is expected of you,anything you are unsure of ,"see the boss".

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