In 2006 springbreak march 16, was a very sad day for me I learned that my husband was seeing another women. He had all my trust, love loyality and he broke that. I went to our priest for spiritual help. My upbringing was for better or worse. He asked for forgiveness and I forgave him but why do I feel this way towards him.
2 Answers
Because you can not trust him. Love can not exist where there is no trust. He insulted you by cheating on you. He showed you that he does not love you enough to honor the marriage vows. He belittled you as a human being and walked all over your feelings. How can you love someone like this? Forgive him, that's fine but my advice is to leave him as he will cheat on you again. My opinion along with a ton of research that backs up the long held belief of, once a cheater, always a cheater.
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |