    how does raw honey cure allergies?

    +3  Views: 609 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    Manuka Honey is the best in the world its from New zealand it is also very good for cuts bits and it acts as a anticeptic also and the imune system take a spoon a day

    I do not know that it cures them but I have always heard that if you buy raw honey that someone that is a bee keeper in the area you live in that because the bees eat and pollenate in that area that it is helping your immune system to fight off the allergens that you are allergic to.

    Raw honey has many helth-promoting qualities.  It conatins natural antioxidants, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.  Among the minerals is selenium which is necessary for the proper support of immune system health.  My friend told me that honey and vinegar can fight allergies. 

    It has to be local honey so you can build up a resistance to those allergines around you...

    Manuka honey from New Zealand has apparently the best healing properties.

    Check Google for more info.

    It doesn't cure allergies, it helps "deflame" allergies by introducing the pollen of local plants, pollinated by the bees, into your immune system in the form of a food, rather than airborne, which your body more readily accepts and then doesn't see these same pollens as such intruders when taken in by breathing, so much, because they already know them as a food source.  Hope this makes some sense!!

    I don't know about allergies, but it makes a wonderful face-pack/ mask, bit messy but does wonders for the skin.


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