19 Answers
I believe in the death penalty for people like Son of Sam, Serial killers who admit their crimes and admit that they will do it again if released. I would rather have my tax dollar going somewhere other then paying for the feeding and care of someone who has such little regard for life.
13 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
How can you carry that much hate Bluesman, I have been in the situation where my wife left me with two young children after clearing out our joint bank account..
I questioned what I could heve done differently that may have avoided the split but I never hated her, I was hurt yes, distraught yes. But hate is something I have never held for another perso or animal.
Disliked to the extent I avoided them but never hated.
Hope you have a happy life now and forget what you can not alter.
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Mate live your life for what is, not what could have been. You have people on this site who respect your opinions whether they agree with them or not. These are diembodied "friends" that are closer to you than you may think in their thoughts for you.
Bitterness and hatred only hurt you, the person towards whom the bitterness is directed doesn`t give a tinkers toss what you think, the only person to suffer is you.
So come on, pull your socks up and live for what time you may have left.
No I dont anymore. There have been people on death row that were later found innocent and I wonder how many actually died beeing innocent. Most people on death row or doing life usually have an extensive criminal background and it makes it easier for the prosecution to get a conviction, based on theire background, even though evidence is lacking.
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
bluesman 1951, you're welcome and know that people genuinely care for you, would it help to take a break away and just catch your breath, have some time to be selfish and do what you want to ? I think the only justice is knowing that you can be at peace with yourself, mine is....also knowing he is living in a slum with no one left to use helps too. Put your feet up and have a break,
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Yes I believe in the death penalty now if our justice system could actually carry it out in short order and not let these criminals set on death row, take college classes (free) to become jailhouse lawyers, etc, etc for 10-15-20 years at us the taxpayers expense. If they would actually fulfill the death penalty in short order I am quite sure we would see a drastic drop in a lot of crimes that are punishable by death.
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
No I don't believe in the death penalty. I believe someone should live out their days having to live with what they did to someone else and be judged in the afterlife. Afterall, eternity is a long time or Karma will be your reward depending upon your belief system. Either way you'll get what you worked for during your lifetime!
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
yes I do, but same as has been said technological advances in recent times has seen people cleared of convictions, I wonder how many met their maker that were in fact innocent, I however also believe that psychopaths, serial killers ,those that horrendously mutilate and are assessed to be beyond rehabilitation most certainly should not be afflicted on society, nor should we be responsible for financing their existence We put dangerous animals down here, why not viscous human animals.
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Absolutely! If it is proven beyond a doubt, absolutely. If you are going to just murder somebody you have just demonstrated that you do not belong amongst the civilized period. Violent people are no joke some of them will kill a person and think nothing about it. However, if we ever get something to re-program killers that would be a different story. That's probably light years away. Until then God is their best friend.
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I would rather be killed by some one who goes about with cold blooded premeditation than by a angry moron with no plan . I like things to be efficient and well done . The angry fool is going to cause a lot of pain . The premeditated one is going get it done quickly and efficiently. Some folks just need to be gone simple as that . As to punishment if its justified then so what . The heinous nature of some things in my opinion justifies death. A cheating whore needs death and thats it simple as that .
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I believe also that some people need killing. I would even expand on the crimes that would make one eligible for the big sleep. Dope dealers, child molesters, gun runners, habitual offenders of petty crimes as well. Also people who make bad coffee. I offer my services to the department of corrections. I shoot a rifle well, I can throw a big electric switch, I can even give an injection. I would prefer manual strangulation with an electric cord, televised of coarse.
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Some people just need killing cold and premeditated and as painful as possible. Those who cheat on their spouses and significant others can go first. Good thing I am in charge of nothing . If I could find my ex this would be a issue ,Damn that cheating bitch to hell !!!!! She liked skiing,now that its snowing maybe the whore will impale herself on a tree going fast down hill . God I hate that bitch !!!
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
101% certain where? In the US, it is "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt." Isn't that why inmates are on death row? How do you explain the fact that those who were later exonerated were convicted because juries decided they were guilty beyond a reasonable doubt? http://youtu.be/xtDt-THaH_o
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |