    tooth ache

    If a gum covering the root of a tooth has receeded and the nerve is exposed will the tooth ache only get worse?

    +2  Views: 988 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    senceadine toothpaste for sensitive teeth put it on and dont rince of  or whole cloves they taste foul but it does work and get to the densit quick

    if you can go to the dentist.

    Toothaches definitely suck...if you can't afford a dentist and live in the US, go to your local county hospital for assistance....they can give you some relief for your pain and referrals to low cost or sometimes no cost dentists. Otherwise....some people swear by using oil of clove if it is a cavity...never tried it so don't know if that would help. There are some toothaches kits that are sold over the counter in pharmacies also. Try ibuprofen for the pain.....can't think of much else to tell you...perhaps an icepack applied to the affected area (not inside your mouth of course but on the outside of your face)....this may help....good luck! Oops...I just read the balance of your answer and I apologize for answering too fast but an exposed nerve will generally keep on hurting!

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