    I'm 16 and pregnant

    +2  Views: 972 Answers: 19 Posted: 13 years ago
    Hired gun

    First tell someone who you trust(not your school "buddies") an adult! preferably your parents.-second go to a DOCTOR to start prenatal care ! ,I worked for 28 years in hospitals and the absolute scariest thing I ever had was to deal with was a young woman who is delivering a baby and never saw a doctor!!

    19 Answers

    Hi nothanks I am glad you have spoken to your parents and they are wiling to help good luck

    Why did you do it? Now you'll have to support a baby. Do you have money to do that?


    yes I do, my parents will help us
    I'm so happy now

    That's good your parents are helping you, but I feel sorry for little kids born to very young girls. Good luck.

    So your parents have another kid to take care of and raise. You should be so unhappy you are putting them through this. Typical 16 year old child. Selfish and only thinking for herself. Poor kid is going to be raised a selfish kid too. Let the cycle continue. I'm not impressed.

    Let us know how happy you are in a couple of years....or a couple of months. I notice you only say "I'm so happy now." Where's the sperm donor on this? How happy is he?

    Please do not make a second mistake.  Talk to an adult and be responsible in raising the child.

    You need to discuss this important matter with your parents.



    "NOTHANKS" would have been a good attitude before you got pregnant!


    You need more than one TU for this.

    Thanks Colleen.Nice to here from you.

    Little angel - well you made a mistake - people should not judge you - So good you have your parents behind you and many parents are happy to support their daughter and grandchild - it seems yours are. I am not saying this will be easy -looking after a child is the biggest responsibility you can  have but with help you will make it and hopefully the Father will contribute with the loving and caring. to both you and the baby.


    Who's judging? It's a fact. 16 is too young to raise a family and she should have known better. Did she not pay attention in sex ed? Sometimes chastising is better than ignoring lack of education and just handing out excuses. All this "judging" as you put it just may keep another underage child from getting pregnant.
    She's 16. I bet if she had a dog she would complain about feeding it once a day and walking it.

    Don,t worry about being 16 and pregnant I am 48 and have a little girl eight and boy 5 . I will be old and worn out before my grandchildren come along if I'm alive to see them .Rob who I went to school with has a son 32 and three grand children Rob's been all over the world in a band and generally had a good time he,s a pilot now and still with the same girl he was with in school , he's young enough to enjoy his children and grand children and his parents are also still young enough to enjoy his children and the children know so many more members of their family than mine ever will . Your young enough to raise a family and do whatever you want and if the father does n't stand by you ,you will find some one who will so don't worry be happy enjoy your children and good luck


    I can agree with this if at the age of 16, she and her boyfriend can get married, get jobs, finish their education and raise and support their family all on their own. Otherwise, it's her parents who will be raising this child and either her parents or the tax payers who support the welfare system who will be supporting the child. 16 is too young to be starting a family here in the USA in my opinion. 20 is still young enough that a person is not too old when their grand kids come.

    Sorry but I still think 16 is to young for a kid to be tied down in this way.I am aware that there are some exceptional people who can be a succcess at it but thy are the exception not the rule.

    I'm happy for the future child's sake but given the chance to do over, would you still go the same route?

    So...are you going to step up to the plate and raise your child?Or are you going to let your parents do the hard yards?

    Not enough thought has been put into these answers.

    Colleen, I am sorry for this as it does seem that we are arguing which I do not want to do but consoling this girl does not mean by any means I condon it. I have had a vast experience of all this in my life and face to face would be somewhat different but still difficult to condem. I think for this girl to pose such a question on this site is major and so brave - even I had reservations as I felt my questions would be thought as futile but this girl is asking for help. Do we know she is happy about her situation? Do we know if the guy is still around - does any of us know? Do we for that matter know who the guy is - how old etc.    


    I'm not arguing. I said OK to your last post. My opinion is not a good, sound or valid one. You win. You can stop now.

    Your points are valid Colleen. I think dopey is putting more into this than is there. This girl sounds very happy about getting herself knocked up.

    Thank you Darci.

    OK Darci you are entitled to your opinion. This seems like an assumption. Strange that not many women answered this question.

    Coleen - Sorry the thought of a child being brought up by a child horrifies me - but please try to see where I am coming from - I have seen so much of this too - but this child with child must be going through torment and I did not wish to add to that. People on this site are adult and see things through their eyes not hers They just see the question not all that is behind it..  

    Colleen -The word "mistake" as I said is pure-samantic if that's the right spelling.We have no idea what the  circumstances were and not all 15- 16 year olds know what they are doing. Which brings me to another thing. So what do you suggest should happen now she is in this situation? I could scream from the rooftops saying naughty girl naughty girl - you should have known better and must now have stones thrown at you. Until you know the circumstances even you do not know if it was a mistake or not - even with contraception - this can happen and does - a whole other controversial subjuect. It also takes two to tango.    


    You know if you click Comment this answer instead of Add new answer, this whole convo between us would stay together.

    My suggestion, she put the baby up for adoption.

    There are so many unwanted children in this world and I always felt I would adopt a child and have seen so many women with two or three children wanting another asking for IVF which I have never understood.
    To adopt a child in the UK is not an easy process.

    Colleen I am not here to win as you say. The word "mistake" seemed to me to a better option I could have said "Grossly irresponsible" so easy to say but without knowing the circumstances not so easy for me.

    Well Colleen tell me the answer to what has happened to this poor girl - I absolutely know that a child is not capable of bringing up a chlld - I was a Children's nurse - maybe I am missing something here - it is what it is as I understand and agree with you but my answer does not encourage this - I am just trying to console the child - not easy for her. Great thing I heard recently - a girl attending Sex Education Class - they played the record "Lets get it on" and used this as an education tool.Quite good I thought.


    She needs no consoling, lol...she's quite happy about it. As I said, I was not trying to argue with you. Just getting my thoughts out there ;)

    I agree with you Colleen - I could have also gone down the route of education education by the way most of which is inadequate - but in reality people do make mistakes - I did say this was a mistake and this if they see my reply which is unlikely will not tell a16year old this is  the thing to do. I by no means feel a sixteen year old is capable of bringing up a child but what is done cannot be undone and hopefully she will not be alone. I cannot be judgemental at this stage.


    Gee, the use of the word "mistake" bothers me. What light does "mistake" put the baby in? A mistake can not happen when a person is mentally conscious of what they are doing. A 15-16 year old having sex unprotected, knows what she's doing unless she's completely ignorant. This is not a mistake.

    Sorry dopey, I'm really not trying to argue with you. I just hate seeing the excuses and the it's OK attitude. It's not OK. Not for the child and not for the child of the child.

    This whole thing with you Colleen has really upset me - yes I should not have been so stupid as to go on with it as it has left me in tears - It would seem I do not fully understand this site and how important you are - I did see somewhere saying report abuse to you. I will be careful in future and less verbose
    How many adults make a mess of bringing up their children???? I have seen more than enough.

    You really need to relax and stop going all drama over this. One would think you were the 16 year old pregnant girl the way you keep carrying on. I'd rather just move on from this. We've both had our say and you've not changed my mind. The next time that child opens her legs, she will be pushing a baby out. Lesson learned to keep her legs closed in the future unless she is married and ready for another baby. You can be the bleeding heart and I will be the voice of reason. We both have had our say. Let it go.

    Consider adoption.

    OK Colleen - how arrogant for you to say you are the voice of reason - I will most certainly let it go now. Just cannot be bothered anymore just Crass.


    My mom told me that. I was just repeating her words.


    I gotta ask you something, nothanks......are you bragging or scared?  Nowadays, it's a question that needs to be asked.


    ".are you bragging or scared?"
    Exactly. The fact that she's never come back tells me she was just "sharing the good news" as only a child would when they do not realize their whole life, their future has changed dramatically. She's thinking about playing house while mom and dad handle all the hard stuff.

    It is a status symbol now to have a baby while you are still a child yourself. Baby Mama and Baby Daddy.....Don't get me started...

    " Well don't look at (ME) ! "

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