    how do I get windows to not always remember a password for a site

    when the bubble came up on windows do you want windows to always remember this password a family member clicked yes and I changed the password but windows still will open and remember the password what do I do?

    0  Views: 237 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Windows itself doesn't generally remember logins; browsers do. Here's what to do:
    1. Click the Tools->Options menu item. 2. Click the Security tab. 3. Uncheck the Remember passwords for sites checkbox. 4. Just to be sure, also click the Saved passwords button. 5. Click the Remove All button.
    In Internet Explorer 6:
    1. Click the Tools->Internet Options menu item. 2. Click the Content Tab. 3. Click the Autocomplete button. 4. Uncheck Usernames and Passwords on forms. 5. Click the Clear Passwords button.
    In Internet Explorer 7:
    1. Click the Tools->Internet Options menu item. 2. Click the Content Tab. 3. Click the Settings button in AutoComplete. 4. Uncheck Usernames and Passwords on forms. 5. Click OK. 6. Click the General tab. 7. Under Browsing History, click Delete. 8. Click Delete Passwords. 9. Click Yes.
    Hope that helps.

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