    my relationship

    When I am from South Africa in 1998 with my wife. I was expecting to get to know my other relations but they had never like my atitude or my opinion. Shelley was the leader and she had two brothers who she poisened their minds not to see me or get to know me. Now my mother has turned against me even when I need a family member for support. I think it's so easy for people to turn their backs on people especially family? When we had the reccession in the early days everybody seemed to support each other? Now it's very much different with people hurting each other just to see "how much they can get out of the system"? I always believe children should have a smack because they remember them when they get older but they also learn about respect and that's what this cuntry needs more of? England "I believe" is the root of all the countries put together and if this country go under then the rest will follow? Now the Goverment has lost the balance in England and wasted a huge amount of money by supporting the "gay calture" but making the history of the laws change in their favour was a joke? That is were the damage is? Disability was here long before these gays came along and they happened to support each other so that makes them very powerful? That is why our Goverment can change the laws because there's huge amount of "m.p's? How do you think Nelson Mindela was released my a huge amount of blacks and coloureds marched to get him released but now the "goverment has made us hate each other so that they don't have anybody to challange?


    0  Views: 487 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Hahahaha!!! That's it!! The whole reason England is in a financial mess is because of the gays! Thegaysdidit!! My sides hurt, you make me laugh too hard!

    This line is a classic, "the goverment has made us hate each other so that they don't have anybody to challange"

    Are you sure it's your government and not people like you just trying to blame someone  else because you didn't pay attention when your leaders where giving your country away to the failing euro-dollar and one government for all participating countries in the euro-dollar scam?

    I see how much money your government gives to their disabled. Americans can live quite nicely off what your government gives.

    Instead of looking for others to lay blame on, look to yourself. I have to say, I agree with your mother.


    You get big heads and you get people that don't run away when times are tough, you must be a BIG head because I admit when I'm wrong and you just hide it, just like our beloved "Goverment"?

    What did I hide?

    Where did you admit you were wrong?

    Can you be anymore confusing in your random run away thoughts?

    You're going to be another fun one I can see.


    with all respect which question did you want  an answer too.


    I know. I am so confused.



    Good answer.

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